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ended up dead in Nazi concentration camps
Anybody familiar with young children will recognize this use of passive voice as the phase where the child admits that something bad happened, but is not comfortable assigning responsibility yet. “The lamp got broken”.
“Man dies of bullet holes in police custody”
“A casualty occurred after a weapon was discharged.”
Cyclist got hit by a car
Oh, so that’s who they’ve got running the media these days. That makes sense.
Good point!
Has Tucker had plastic surgery? I’m just asking questions.
I’m sorry, but he just looks like Charlie Chaplin.
It’s a shame Hitler ruined the mustache, because that’s the only part of mine that grows in full.
Such a rascal of a tramp
Hitler actually stole that look from him. He was a huge fan of Chaplin’s movies back in the day. And that is why no one can dress like Charlie Chaplin for Halloween anymore 😔
You know I was just thinking he looked a little younger. Glp1 maybe? (I don’t know all of what it does.)
Botox, and plenty of it.
bro they have supermarkets? in russia?
Hes a trust fund kid. Probably the first supermarket he’s ever been inside.
Big “Ben Shapiro goes to Home Depot” energy 😄
First time I’ve seen this one. So many questions!
Allow me to answer a few potential ones:
He went there to support Home Depot’s lack of opposition to the Georgia voter suppression law that made it illegal to give people standing in line to vote food or water
Yes, he’s that much of an anti democracy weirdo
No, he’s clearly never been to a Home Depot or any other home improvement store before or since
No, he wasn’t going to build anything with a single board of wood even shorter than he is
No, there’s no reason other than (completely unnecessary for anyone who knows what Home Depot sells since the name is behind him in letters much taller than him) branding and pure idiocy to put one board in a plastic bag.
Yes, the person working the checkout definitely asked him “are you sure you want me to put it in a bag? We don’t have one that fits…”
Yes, the fact that the unnecessary bag is plastic might well be a childish “haha I’m using oil based resources unnecessarily! In your face, snowflakes!” message to people who care about climate change
Yes, he called the board “magnificent”
Yes, he’s enough of an out of touch weirdo that he did this with a straight face, thinking it would make him look like a badass defender of freedom rather than a sad little weirdo doing performative nonsense to excuse the inexcusable from demagogues on his “side” while demonstrating his “never did physical labor in his life” privilege
Yes, he’s also the guy whose wife is a doctor with a dry ass pussy
I regret having only one upvote
Have one more.
It’s his best friend Plank.
It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood
And they sell multiple kinds of bread too!
Breaking: Nazi continues to nazi after years of naziing
THIS is EXACTLY why Republicans are the ONLY PARTY for Jews! You’re not a REAL JEW unless you vote for the Pro Nazi Party!
I mean that is pretty much the sentiment I’ve been getting from the Pro-Israel crowd
I mean, Winston Churchill most definitely was a villain. He wasn’t the villain of WWII, but undoubtedly a villain.
He was intensely racist, had no problem using Indian people in his army while censoring their letters, as a famine he had a hand in creating killed over three million people.
That’s no excuse for peddling propaganda-Nazi propaganda, though. I thought that was kind of this guy’s shtick?
This is less than mild shock
He’s been doing that ever since his media career started in the 90s.
Well I am shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.
Well, I am shocked! Absolutely stunned. No, no. Wait. I meant unsurprised and jaded.
Why does Tucker Carlson look like he just realised he sharted.
He looks like he’s constantly bewildered. He uses it so that he can give the appearance that what’s going on is insane and that he’s the last normal man standing…
And for the most part it just makes him look clueless…
I actually was worried he was an adult with disabilities being exploited by Fox when I first actually watched his show. The fact that he laughed at the idea that tacos are Mexican an origin when it’s “obviously an American food from California!” Did not help
The worst part is that he isn’t that stupid. He’s just genuinely that evil.
That’s his concerned look. It probably works on his fans.
He is weird that way.
Tucker hanging out with nazis? Why, I find that hard to believe. /s
He’s just asking questions.
I’d be surprised if this absolute failure of a human being wasn’t spreading Nazi propaganda.
The dude is doing a live tour right now, or is about to be, and one of his shows is gonna have Alex Jones as a guest. This is not surprising and if anything, is super expected.
They’re basically the same now, except Bowtie McPutin has actual production values
I accuse the sky of being made of air!