But you don’t need to pretend the GOP isn’t criticizing Walz for not being violent enough towards protestors.
My problem is with liberals who keep insisting the Dems have a sound electoral strategy when they ratchet the violence up.
But you don’t need to pretend the GOP isn’t criticizing Walz for not being violent enough towards protestors.
My problem is with liberals who keep insisting the Dems have a sound electoral strategy when they ratchet the violence up.
We only get a duopoly because of our voting system.
We don’t have a duopoly. We have a pair of regional monopolies. And it’s not the voting system that gives us candidates like Eric Adams or Mike Johnson or Joe Manchin. These are the consequence of a fully captured election system.
The NYPD is also not in constant famine, they’re one of the richest cities on the planet.
Because they’re an international trading hub at the central of a global empire.
North Korea is a bombed out backwater with more economic sanctions on it than Cuba, whose people spent the last 70 years gradually rebuilding after the US literally bombed them back to the stone age.
Even then, NYers are getting shot over proximity to fare evasion. Korea’s rough, but I’ve yet to hear of anyone executed for failing to pay for a bus ticket.
He was murdered in 2020
In Minnesota, under Governor Walz and Mayor Jacob Frey. When protesters over the killing began to march through the streets, Walz and Frey responded by releasing the National Guard to crack heads and jail people by the hundred.
isn’t it better to not give ultimate power over genocide or expulsion of immigrants to this supreme egomaniac?
Unfortunately, you’ve got a Democrat running who is openly courting John Negroponte, Jeff Flake, and the Cheneys.
If Harris puts Liz Cheney into a cabinet position, like State or Intelligence or DHS, that’s exactly where we end up. We’ve just traded a loud borish egomaniac for a quieter and more sophisticated one.
Even if she doesn’t, there’s a murderers row of liberal-ish insiders who seem perfectly content to join shooting wars with Iran, Pakistan, Venezuela, China, half a dozen African nations, Mexico… Nevermind that proxy war with Russia we’re already in.
unless you’re an accelerationist
Accelerationism isn’t a philosophy, it’s a coping mechanism. You get to pretend enshittification was your plan all along and not a disaster fully outside your control.
It’s the 😂 emoji of political thought.
Almost begging the question of how so many state education systems are underfunded and overloaded with propaganda.
But hey, maybe you can get liberal darling Michelle Rhee to fix it for us. Privatization will give us all the nuance we require.
Pretty sure north Korea is similar.
The NYPD has a bigger budget than the DPRK. And New York hasn’t been under siege by Pennsylvania for the last 80 years.
More than enough to restrain all the parents who tried to break in and end the killing
Oliver Twist energy. I wonder if he ever had to pay off school lunch debt to graduate.
And I wouldn’t brag about most the US population being migrants from a couple centuries ago
Most Americans are less than three generations old.
Ask George Floyd.
So give up?
If your full effort begins and ends with election season, you’ve already given up.
we’re 25% non-citizens
Refusing to give citizenship to residents isn’t a point in the country’s favor.
That’s compared to 7-8% of the US population for example.
If you want to get historical, the US is north of 99% migrants. But setting aside the politics of generational migration, we also have birthright citizenship and marital citizenship laws that naturalize people at a far more consistent rate. And we have an enormous territory, such that you can move from New York to California or Puerto Rico to Alaska and still enjoy citizenship.
What do you call a huge influx of East Coasters into Texas, Colorado, and Arizona if not migration?
Let me know when the majority of the Swiss population is French, and then you can brag about your diversity.
What’s to run against? It’s an election entirely on aesthetic. Do you want to old fat cat cigar smoking business dude or the lean mean latte sipping girl boss to rubber stamp our next genocide shipment to Israel and blame China for climate change?
Maybe we get a SCOTUS judge to start issuing 5-4 rulings against fundamental democratic principles instead of a 6-3, if we’re lucky.
If the
peoplevoters vote that way, that is the will of thepeoplevoters.
Sorry 50M Californians, but 40k West Virginians decided to go a different way. Guess this means no civil rights for another two years.
And remember they need all 3 of presidency, house of representatives, and senate to pass pretty much anything
The odds of Democrats keeping the Senate seem dismal. So it sounds like we’re giving the party license to do nothing for another two years
Not understanding the concept of the Secret Ballot and it’s consequences
I just like calling it “the kill shot”, as though GOG is about to take all of Steam’s market share some time next week.
Even if they got someone to pay the subscription the entire time, that’s like 5% of the value of the car, spread over a length of time that makes it almost worthless.
It’s a revenue stream you can collect after the vehicle is sold. Continuous cash flow means long term revenue stability for the business.
And its the introduction of a model that can scale. Once you’ve got someone’s account information, you can sell them more shit (or just sell their data to advertisers). This is just the tip of the spear. Tesla, BMW, and Mercedes are all experimenting with Vehicle as a Service product models.
Investors love the possibility of revenue growth, and these programs promise the possibility of high margin after market sales for the life of the vehicle.
harmful to the brand image and customer loyalty
Not when everyone is doing it
They were a larger economy after decades of domestic rebuilding, while SK was left to languish under a brutal right-wing military dictator. Then the US transitioned the SK economy into a tech manufacturing hub and granted a handful of influential families access to the limitless low-interst credit window of the Federal Reserve. The South became a workhouse for the American retail electronics market, where Korean workers got paid pennies to work long hours in dark warehouses to make low-cost bobbles for their western peers. This allowed these six influential families to go on a construction bonanza using the leverage afforded from foreign export revenues. Cheap steel from China combined with the fossil fuels imported from Russia and the Middle East, allowed the SK economy to soar past its heavily sanctioned NK peer… on paper.
But the real legacy of the Korean economy for its people enormous entrenched personal debts. The South Korean economy is a product of cheap foreign lending. Household indebtedness to gross disposable income ratio in South Korea from 2012 to 2022 has grown from 152% to 203%.
South Korea’s prosperity is entirely predicated on its continued access to cheap credit and cheap foreign commodities imports. North Korea’s stalled growth is a consequence of its embargo, the continued need to deter a large military presence on its southern border, and its need to build and maintain an economy entirely within one half of a small peninsula.
Please go to your local police department and start screaming obscenities at whomever is on duty.