I can only assume that you are currently dying of shame right now.
I think he’s still basking in the glory days of Reddit teaboos worshipping him for saying “cheers” on the internet after Doctor Who got popular in Burgerland.
‘Awright, me ol’ mucker! I ain’t got the foggiest bleedin’ clue wot you’re bangin’ on about! Proper sorry, but I’m as British as jellied eels an’ a pint o’ bitter, I am. If you want me to sort ya out, you’ll ‘ave to natter in proper English, right? None o’ that foreign gobblederemoved, or we’re in a right two ‘n eight, ain’t we?’
What,got a douche tea infusion up your ass,Mr Gammon?
Fuck right off with this snobbish language elitism you seasoning averse,wannabe aristocrat,island living fuck.
Your fucking “lAnGuAgE” doesn’t deserve a lick of respect,Mr “I’m so fucking superior because I was born in the delusional ruined remnants of an empire of evil”.
The fucking gall on this one,to turn up their fucking pig snout nose at AAVE as if it’s some crime against god and their beautiful pristine language! I hope that when you die,they bury you right next to Maggie so you can both nourish yourselves with warm piss for an eternity in hell, you worthless goddamn Anglo!
Go slobber all over your precious fucking kings genitals or whatever it is you do for a national pastime in that rain soaked shithole you live in.
In that respect I am indeed horifically, terribly British.
Being passive-aggressively and undeservedly smug over your own eel-brained blandness may have been cool on Reddit over a decade ago but it’s old and this isn’t even Reddit anymore.
I’m sorry, but I don’t speak … whatever language that is. In that respect I am indeed horifically, terribly British. English only, please, if you want me to be able to answer.
@[email protected] yo what up with your taste buds homie?
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this is shockingly racist for a casual response to banter
@[email protected] keeps on winning, folks.
Let me attempt to translate to the language of your people. “Oi whats da madder with yer’ gammers m8? Yew got a loicense for doz tastebuds?”
This probably the most embarrassing comment I’ve ever read here. I can only assume that you are currently dying of shame right now.
I think he’s still basking in the glory days of Reddit teaboos worshipping him for saying “cheers” on the internet after Doctor Who got popular in Burgerland.
Damn, you don’t even recognize your own language when it isn’t in received pronunciation dialect? You must be fantastically stupid.
I suppose British boarding school beats brain plasticity out of eel-brained smuglords like that as part of the contagious colonialism hazing ritual.
‘Awright, me ol’ mucker! I ain’t got the foggiest bleedin’ clue wot you’re bangin’ on about! Proper sorry, but I’m as British as jellied eels an’ a pint o’ bitter, I am. If you want me to sort ya out, you’ll ‘ave to natter in proper English, right? None o’ that foreign gobblederemoved, or we’re in a right two ‘n eight, ain’t we?’
What,got a douche tea infusion up your ass,Mr Gammon?
Fuck right off with this snobbish language elitism you seasoning averse,wannabe aristocrat,island living fuck.
Your fucking “lAnGuAgE” doesn’t deserve a lick of respect,Mr “I’m so fucking superior because I was born in the delusional ruined remnants of an empire of evil”.
The fucking gall on this one,to turn up their fucking pig snout nose at AAVE as if it’s some crime against god and their beautiful pristine language! I hope that when you die,they bury you right next to Maggie so you can both nourish yourselves with warm piss for an eternity in hell, you worthless goddamn Anglo!
Go slobber all over your precious fucking kings genitals or whatever it is you do for a national pastime in that rain soaked shithole you live in.
You people are proof that the western century of humiliation has already started in this country

Being passive-aggressively and undeservedly smug over your own eel-brained blandness may have been cool on Reddit over a decade ago but it’s old and this isn’t even Reddit anymore.
You’re not, but you should be.
Holy shit mate why are you such a fucking dickhead? You sound like the kind of dumbass that would’ve participated in the fascist riots
Stop embarrassing the country by being such a racist fucking lampshade lad
Maybe he was there after fellow whiteboy bigot, Boer-flavor
got his gammon ass all riled up on Le Epic X Dot Com, The Everything App.
Forsooth thine yeowman only speaks the King’s English!
More like
Smug, bad taste, and poor reading comprehension
My friend dropped acid at Skrattfest and hasn’t been the same since.
Butchering the Queen’s English, are we? Please report for remedial condescending primary school.
King’s English now mate, the queen went and kicked the bucket.
It should die with her, of course
The only real English language is American English. British English is a pathetic shadow.
“Where did that bring you? Back to me.”
I’ll acknowledge Imperial Standard English as the true branch when I’m six feet under, rotted a hundred years and not before.
Or, as it’s sometimes known, Star Wars English.
Here’s some pictures you should understand
seachain gáire sacsanach
Congratulations, you’re the first clown I’ve found funny I a long time.
It’s so bad that it’s good, so they got my upvote
Бедный дикарь
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you need to speak american to talk to me, i cant understand what a english is yet i can still read all your words
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Imagine saying this in the dunk tank lol
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