Apparently the British wish to lock me up for daring to suggest something with flavor instead of a cucumber sandwich

  • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
    7 months ago


    What,got a douche tea infusion up your ass,Mr Gammon?

    Fuck right off with this snobbish language elitism you seasoning averse,wannabe aristocrat,island living fuck.

    Your fucking “lAnGuAgE” doesn’t deserve a lick of respect,Mr “I’m so fucking superior because I was born in the delusional ruined remnants of an empire of evil”.

    The fucking gall on this one,to turn up their fucking pig snout nose at AAVE as if it’s some crime against god and their beautiful pristine language! I hope that when you die,they bury you right next to Maggie so you can both nourish yourselves with warm piss for an eternity in hell, you worthless goddamn Anglo!

    Go slobber all over your precious fucking kings genitals or whatever it is you do for a national pastime in that rain soaked shithole you live in.