My refrigerator is full. :)

I literally keep checking all shop’s offers every single day in hopes I’ll find something relevant on a good price. Some stuff I bought were marked as on sale, but didn’t get the price. I don’t speak the local language to ask, and the last time this happened I tried to communicate, but they didn’t care, so eh. But me has a full refrigerator. Me happi. :3

  • D61 [any]
    1 year ago

    Heard about a video game from 2015, Transformers: Devastation, a year or two ago.

    A few months back I remembered hearing about this game and poked around the pirate-jammin parts of the internets to see what I could find.

    Finds the game, it runs like a champ right out of the box on my old toaster.

    As you play through the game, you can find “collectibles” that unlock art.

    Yesterday I find a collectible and then go check the unlocked art …

    and I am hit with a semi-truck of nostalgia. One of the unlocked art pieces was the same scene that I had on a lunchbox as a small child in the late 80’s.

        1 year ago

        I found a guide on Reddit and copied the text, multiple people were saying this worked. Hope it helps you get your dream emulation running.

        [DW3] [DW3XL] [PCSX2] Emulation Guide + Game Save

        Hello everyone!

        I just finished completing DW3/XL in an emulator, and in my quest in getting it to work properly, I noticed that there were a bunch of things required to do so. In case anyone else tries doing the same thing in the future, I’d like to bring all of the resources I used into one place.

        First off, the current stable Windows version of PCSX2 (1.4.0 as of this writing) is incompatible with the method DW3XL uses to read memory cards. Any 1.5.0 release after r3277 has resolved this issue. (Thanks inanaswarrior) I used rev 3362, as it was the latest available at the time of this writing. The full list can be found here:

        Now we’re going to talk settings. Go to Config>Video (GS)>Core GS settings. This will open a new window. In that window, there will be 5 tabs going across the top of the screen. Click the ‘Game Fixes’ tab. Check the box for ‘Enable manual game fixes [Not recommended]’, and then check ‘Switch to GSdx software rendering when an FMV plays’. This will eliminate the flickering during video playback, which is apparently caused by an incompatibility with hardware rendering and DW3XL’s engine. Regarding video settings; I’m using an Nvidia GTX 1080, so I basically turned all the video settings up to max. Go to Config>Video>Plugin settings and tweak them as in the following SS, or adjust them manually as your hardware requires. YMMV

        To get the game to work in 16:9, you’ll need to tweak a couple more settings, as well as a widescreen patch. Go to Config>Video (GS)>Window Settings and set Aspect Ratio to Widescreen (16:9). Check the box at System>Enable Widescreen Patches. The patch can be found here:

        To install the patch, paste it into your PCSX2 directory/cheats_ws. By default it’s [C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.5.0\cheats_ws]. For posterity (in case the above link ever dies) I’ll list how to create it from scratch. Create a new text document, and paste the following code inside it:

        gametitle=Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends (U)(SLUS-20617)
        comment=Widescreen Hack (16:9) by ElHecht (NTSC-U by Arapapa)
        //Widescreen 16:9
        patch=1,EE,00282f58,word,3faaaaab //3f800000
        patch=1,EE,00282f64,word,3faaaaab //3f800000
        //Render fix
        patch=1,EE,0017f9b0,word,3c023f2b //3c023f00

        Save, and close. Then, rename it to ‘C22D5152.pnach’. Make sure you can change the file type from txt to pnach, which might require enabling file extensions in your Windows settings. The game should now work in 16:9, rather than the default 4:3.

        Now, regarding ‘Load Original’. Just to put this out there, I created my own ISOs from physical disks. I will not be providing links to any pirated material, so don’t ask. What I WILL do is list how to get PCSX2 to Load Original properly, assuming you already have access to legally acquired DW3 and DW3XL disks/images. It’s actually really simple. Extract all of the DW3XL disk contents into a folder. Then, extract all of the DW3 Non-XL contents into the same folder, WITHOUT overwriting. Then, make a new ISO out of the contents of that folder. IMGBurn works well for this. Once PCSX2 loads the new ISO, it should be able to read the contents of the new Frankenstein’d ISO without needing to “switch disks”.

        And last but not least, I’ve uploaded my game save to GameFAQs. You can find it here:

        I maxed almost everything out. And I don’t mean BS sharked +99 everything, but legitimately maxed out limit break items. All regular and BG items limit break maxed out, all weapons 1st-5th unlocked/discovered, even a BG sword w/+25 HP and +10 Speed and a BG Crossbow w/+15 Defense. Every character has 99,999 points, clear Musou mode, and fully leveled up HP/ATK/DEF. I did max out the Musou bar of Sun Ce, Gan Ning, Zhou Yu, Zhen Ji, Zhang He, Pang Tong, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Nu Wa, Fu Xi, and Diao Chan. Reason being, they either had a +Musou Charge 4th or 5th weapon, or were used in acquiring limit break items. If you prefer to have everyone with a Musou bar as small as possible to allow it to be used defensively as often as possible, you’ll have to reset them in the options and do it yourself.

        Also, I’ve uploaded a PCSX2 virtual memory card to Drive, as well. That way, nobody has to go through the song and dance of getting MyMC to work on a modern system like I did. Unlike the above game save, It will only work with PCSX2, though. It can be found here:

        :// (removed the https)

  • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
    1 year ago

    A few days back I had accidentally overslept through a class. Normally it would have made me incredibly stressed, but I immediately started feeling more alert than I had for a while since I really needed that sleep. I’ve been feeling so much better lately thanks to that.

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      Never underestimate the power of your sleep.

      Also, check if you have sleep apnea or anything like that that might interfere with your sleep.

      CPAP machines are a godsend.

      • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
        1 year ago

        I probably don’t have sleep apnea, I’ve just been staying up way too late since I’m so busy rn between the stress of family life and a busy school life. So I wasn’t getting nearly enough sleep. But that day kinda kicked me into feeling decent again and I’ve started having more free time thanks to that + being in a less busy period at school.

        Also another nice thing: Libraries! Just spent the whole day at my school’s one and feel pretty good cuz of it.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Spoke with my manager about accommodations at work. Trying to move to a different department that will be less stressful, but for now I’ve got set hours at least (1-10) and I’ve got shit in writing. Getting doctor’s notes to support it as well.

    Been playing Valheim a lot lately, remembering exactly why I enjoyed Viking Dad Simulator so much. I just spent a few hours gathering materials to expand my homestead and build up my reserves of bronze. Very soothing.

    Also the Unmasking Autism book club is going very well here. I’m very glad to see other people benefiting from the book.

  • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
    1 year ago

    It’s cold but im keeping warm with the pup, crossed off everything on my “to do list” yesterday so we’re snuggling, watched a SpongeBob, and ima start playing Pseudoregalia in a little bit.

  • queermunist she/
    1 year ago

    Just finished Red Mars and am a few hours into Green Mars.

    Good shit. These colonists are such fucking weird people I love them.

      • queermunist she/
        1 year ago

        It’s definitely closer to hard scifi than I was expecting, but I’m also a nerd that loves plausible sounding science stuff so it’s right up my alley.

          • queermunist she/
            1 year ago

            I guess hard sci-fi is just taking real things from the lab and then scaling it up by handwaving some of the problems with manufacture and deployment that come with going from the lab to the real world application. We can make carbon nanotubes right now in the lab, but we can’t make them longer than a few hundred milimeters. Handwave that away and you get space elevators.

            It’s still fictional science, though. Handwaving stuff like that isn’t very scientific 😏

            1 year ago

            Ministery for the future is almost entirely real science (the fiction part is multiple governments actually funding climate action)

                1 year ago

                No shit, the entire book is the result of Robinson using his personal connections with the scientific community to try and envision a “what if after the first wet-bulb event everyone starts taking it seriously starting with India”.

                It’s a legit good book, I know you’re a bit burnt out on books lately, but if you like reading/listening it’s really well done (it also has Maoist comrades taking out billionaires).

                I can hook you up with files in your preferred format if you’re interested.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    1 year ago

    We took the kids to a local museum and had a really nice day looking at old artifacts, being together and enjoying some of the first spring-like weather this year.

    Our car has been repaired and has passed it’s mandatory periodic inspection. We got a good price on the repairs as well.

    The cold I’ve had for the last few days is clearing up.

    I’ve finally been able to stock up on my ADHD meds and I’m able to actually take and benefit from the full dosage I’ve had prescribed.

    One of the kids have had a rough time fitting in at school and making friends. They’ve been really sad about it but after we signed them up for martial arts, something they really enjoys, they’ve become much happier and much more confident.

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Oh yeah, and I’m full.

    That’s it. That’s the comment.

    I’m ate and, for once in this weird day, I feel full.

    Honestly, it’s been a good day.

  • Mog_Pharou [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I’ve stuck with a calisthenics program for 7 weeks now on top of bouldering regularly for 6 months and I can legitimately claim to be ripped now, which is a first for me. Also I made a cute girl laugh yesterday and that’s even better.

  • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    My budgie is finally getting over his airsack mites. Its been really rough because he was breathing hard and squeaking all night for the last month. The meds didn’t do anything till we started apply it twice as often as recommended. (we took hours researching and debating on if we should or not)

    My tomatoes are starting to ripen more than one at a time. They are kind of small but they are delicious. In a few more days it’ll almost be a chore to pick them all and then the big ones will start to ripen and I’ll have to preserve them.

    The corn is coming along. I over planted this season because the rats took like half last season and this year I am getting 3 cobs on most stalks. There’s a few little bean pods around too even if my pumpkins were a total wash this year.

    This garden has been really hit and miss this summer but the hits seem to be outweighing the misses.

    Sold some chickens today and only a few more left till I ma done for the season. People are weird about chickens in Australia. Its way more common for people to have a backyard flock than it is in north america and people pay big money for certain breeds. After tallying up this seasons egg and chicken sales we made almost 3 times as much as it costs to feed our flock for a year. Its not enough to make a living but it is nice to have a hobby that pays for itself and the time we put in.

    1 year ago

    Made awesome chocolate cake. My indoor plants are doing great, alocasia is making a new leaf. Put some fairy lights in them and our home is now very cozy. Might have won the war againts fungus gnats that I started a few weeks ago.

    My thesis writing is going well, just the last edits to go now. Got great feedback on it in my last seminar. Will be the first big academic thing I actually might finish ever in my life thanks to finally understanding my neurotype during the first pandemic year. I am writing about neurodiversity and got a Marx quote in there too. Trying to keep it material.

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It snowed a lot today and I took my dog for a walk and the snowbanks near the curb were like waist high so she couldn’t get off the road to go pee and finally she did like a HUMONGOUS jump over the snow into someone’s yard to pee and it was really funny.