My refrigerator is full. :)

I literally keep checking all shop’s offers every single day in hopes I’ll find something relevant on a good price. Some stuff I bought were marked as on sale, but didn’t get the price. I don’t speak the local language to ask, and the last time this happened I tried to communicate, but they didn’t care, so eh. But me has a full refrigerator. Me happi. :3

    1 year ago

    I found a guide on Reddit and copied the text, multiple people were saying this worked. Hope it helps you get your dream emulation running.

    [DW3] [DW3XL] [PCSX2] Emulation Guide + Game Save

    Hello everyone!

    I just finished completing DW3/XL in an emulator, and in my quest in getting it to work properly, I noticed that there were a bunch of things required to do so. In case anyone else tries doing the same thing in the future, I’d like to bring all of the resources I used into one place.

    First off, the current stable Windows version of PCSX2 (1.4.0 as of this writing) is incompatible with the method DW3XL uses to read memory cards. Any 1.5.0 release after r3277 has resolved this issue. (Thanks inanaswarrior) I used rev 3362, as it was the latest available at the time of this writing. The full list can be found here:

    Now we’re going to talk settings. Go to Config>Video (GS)>Core GS settings. This will open a new window. In that window, there will be 5 tabs going across the top of the screen. Click the ‘Game Fixes’ tab. Check the box for ‘Enable manual game fixes [Not recommended]’, and then check ‘Switch to GSdx software rendering when an FMV plays’. This will eliminate the flickering during video playback, which is apparently caused by an incompatibility with hardware rendering and DW3XL’s engine. Regarding video settings; I’m using an Nvidia GTX 1080, so I basically turned all the video settings up to max. Go to Config>Video>Plugin settings and tweak them as in the following SS, or adjust them manually as your hardware requires. YMMV

    To get the game to work in 16:9, you’ll need to tweak a couple more settings, as well as a widescreen patch. Go to Config>Video (GS)>Window Settings and set Aspect Ratio to Widescreen (16:9). Check the box at System>Enable Widescreen Patches. The patch can be found here:

    To install the patch, paste it into your PCSX2 directory/cheats_ws. By default it’s [C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.5.0\cheats_ws]. For posterity (in case the above link ever dies) I’ll list how to create it from scratch. Create a new text document, and paste the following code inside it:

    gametitle=Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends (U)(SLUS-20617)
    comment=Widescreen Hack (16:9) by ElHecht (NTSC-U by Arapapa)
    //Widescreen 16:9
    patch=1,EE,00282f58,word,3faaaaab //3f800000
    patch=1,EE,00282f64,word,3faaaaab //3f800000
    //Render fix
    patch=1,EE,0017f9b0,word,3c023f2b //3c023f00

    Save, and close. Then, rename it to ‘C22D5152.pnach’. Make sure you can change the file type from txt to pnach, which might require enabling file extensions in your Windows settings. The game should now work in 16:9, rather than the default 4:3.

    Now, regarding ‘Load Original’. Just to put this out there, I created my own ISOs from physical disks. I will not be providing links to any pirated material, so don’t ask. What I WILL do is list how to get PCSX2 to Load Original properly, assuming you already have access to legally acquired DW3 and DW3XL disks/images. It’s actually really simple. Extract all of the DW3XL disk contents into a folder. Then, extract all of the DW3 Non-XL contents into the same folder, WITHOUT overwriting. Then, make a new ISO out of the contents of that folder. IMGBurn works well for this. Once PCSX2 loads the new ISO, it should be able to read the contents of the new Frankenstein’d ISO without needing to “switch disks”.

    And last but not least, I’ve uploaded my game save to GameFAQs. You can find it here:

    I maxed almost everything out. And I don’t mean BS sharked +99 everything, but legitimately maxed out limit break items. All regular and BG items limit break maxed out, all weapons 1st-5th unlocked/discovered, even a BG sword w/+25 HP and +10 Speed and a BG Crossbow w/+15 Defense. Every character has 99,999 points, clear Musou mode, and fully leveled up HP/ATK/DEF. I did max out the Musou bar of Sun Ce, Gan Ning, Zhou Yu, Zhen Ji, Zhang He, Pang Tong, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Nu Wa, Fu Xi, and Diao Chan. Reason being, they either had a +Musou Charge 4th or 5th weapon, or were used in acquiring limit break items. If you prefer to have everyone with a Musou bar as small as possible to allow it to be used defensively as often as possible, you’ll have to reset them in the options and do it yourself.

    Also, I’ve uploaded a PCSX2 virtual memory card to Drive, as well. That way, nobody has to go through the song and dance of getting MyMC to work on a modern system like I did. Unlike the above game save, It will only work with PCSX2, though. It can be found here:

    :// (removed the https)