SoyViking [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • It’s like team sport to them. If you are a fan of FC Blue you support them whether there giving a good performance or a shitty one. You might yell at the coach from time to time if they don’t perform but you would never want to see another team win and you would never accept anyone but other FC Blue ultras talking shit about your team.

  • Recently Denmark’s succdem-led right-wing regime advised the population to prep for major emergencies by stocking cash, food, water and medicine for at least three days. This led to a boom in sales for canned food and survival gear but the broad recommendations seems not to have been accompanied by more detailed planning.

    Patient advocacy groups were not given notice of the release of the recommendations and was unprepared for the flood of questions they are now getting from sick and disabled people who worry about how to prepare for emergencies. The advocacy groups are worried that the recommendations will lead to panic buying of medicine resulting in shortages. They also criticise authorities for not having presented more specific plans and recommendations for people with special medical needs as well as for not including them in the preparation of the recommendations.

    The main advocacy group for senior citizens’ issues is pointing out that no national plan exists for preparing assisted living facilities and similar institutions for emergencies, resulting in each municipality having its own policy for stocking up on essentials.

    The recommendations were given by the Liberal Party-controlled ministry of defense but they refuse to comment on the criticism and refer questions to the emergency services agency.

    All in all the recommendations looks less like the result of well thought-out planning and more like a piece of security theatre primarily intended to pump up “crisis awareness” among the population and make them rally around the increasingly unpopular ruling coalition.