Months after some Israelis started to protest against aid lorries entering Gaza at the main Kerem Shalom crossing, the battle has moved to other key junctions, where rival groups of activists do their best to block or protect aid convoys.

Right-wing activists, including Jewish settlers living in the occupied West Bank, have uploaded dozens of videos of crowds, including some very young children, hurling food onto the ground and stamping on boxes of aid.

In one video, a group of jubilant protesters dance and celebrate on top of a looted lorry.

In another, one of the stranded lorries is ablaze.

In the West Bank, at least two drivers who were not carrying goods bound for Gaza were dragged from their cabs and beaten.

Other videos show Israeli vigilantes stopping lorries in Jerusalem and demanding that drivers show papers proving they are not transporting aid to Gaza. Their faces are uncovered and they appear to be acting with complete impunity.

    4 months ago

    @That edit was your attempt at some dark humour?

    If Gazans stand in a big group anywhere without permission from the occupiers, they can get bombed and sniped and chased with drones.

    The majority are internally displaced and homeless. A significant number are now starving to death. We know from doctors - before the IDF rounded them up and imprisoned them in Sde Teiman (Israel’s version of Abu Ghraib torture detention) - the number of burn injuries, amputations, etc civilians are facing.

    And you dare to sit there and compare these to the uninjured, well fed citizens of a richer nation that all have their own homes to sit in and organize their protests about how they want their hostages back?

    Palestinians want their hostages back too. The thousands of children whose parents have been killed and vice versa want their loved ones back too.They are HUMAN BEINGS just like you. If Israel had treated them as humans and observed international law instead of turning into a rogue genocidal state the civilians of Palestine may have had the same chance for expression that you do yourself.

    Try for some compassion.