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  • 401 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think you’re right - women are also socialized to seek out social/interpersonal connections more than men; this is a big factor in why the suicide rate for elderly men tends to be significantly higher than for elderly women.

    This doesn’t explain the 60 year olds but with the elderly (70+) women in my life, the vulnerability to misinformation is also an artifact of their comparatively poor levels of education. They were schooled with the expectation that they would be SAHMs.

  • They would select for skills needed for that film eg running underfoot on cue. They would also likely be trying to match cats with doppelgangers.

    For example, here’s Ian McKellan talking about 4 identical cats on the set of Apt Pupil each of whom had particular skills needed for the scene where he kills a cat:

    This was the day of the Cats - there were four identical ginger toms. The docile cat which could be thrown and shaken and swung in the air and just miaowed for more. The cat which could move to order. A third who could eat on cue. Then there was the feral cat only to be approached by its trainer, wearing an armoured glove! All feline manouevres were achieved by the bribe of edible paste, overseen by an animal rights official, who was on set to protect the 4 pussies.

  • Their harrassment of Ms Bensouda is super creepy, first they sent an envelope of money to her house and then Mossad came to her in a hotel room:

    In one of the earliest encounters, Cohen surprised Bensouda when he made an unexpected appearance at an official meeting the prosecutor was holding with the then DRC president, Joseph Kabila, in a New York hotel suite.

    Sources familiar with the meeting said that after Bensouda’s staff were asked to leave the room, the director of the Mossad suddenly appeared from behind a door in a carefully choreographed “ambush”.