
I did not expect this this post of mine to attract as many people minimising SA as it did. Bit of a downer, yeah.

  • kristina [she/her]
    5 months ago

    cw: sv


    I really do not comprehend why you went off on this tangent about sexism. You just described that its misandrist to ascribe ‘feminine’ traits to men, but in reality it is misogynist (re: women are described or implied as inferior in the examples given). I’m not understanding how your description of male SV ties into the discussion here. As an aside a similar phrase is often something misogynists say on reddit, ‘feminists don’t care about male SV’, so thats why you’re receiving a hostile response. The concept you’re referring to is a legal definition, and that definition defines SV acts as requiring penetration of the victim. Of course this is an awful way to define SV, but is it sexist towards men specifically? No, ultimately this is bad for all victims of SV, as acts of SV can often be multifaceted and perpetrators often know the rules and laws surrounding them and try to skirt the definitions. Women that are attacked sexually are often maligned in much the same way as men are with similar excuses and reasoning.

    For the cases of woman to male SV, often society says things like ‘wow that teenage boy sure was lucky getting with that female teacher!’ It is of course an awful thing to say about an SV victim, but this statement also relies on the objectification of women. Re: women are objects to be desired, how can an object cause you mental harm?

    Since we are both victims of sexual violence, and as a trans woman I have had the situation of dealing with SV pre and post transition (so being seen as a boy or a woman in many instances) I hope you can take my analysis of this issue seriously. This is very mentally taxing for me and I’m sure it may well be for you, so I understand if some things are said improperly. This is not said to minimize your suffering, but rather to show the intersectionality of SV victims and how misogyny shapes social opinions of SV victims.

    edit: talked with sphere, this is really just a case of bad context i think