Nakoichi [he/him]

  • 217 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • Yeah just gotta learn some good spots and then excuse yourself from any conversation that gives you bad vibes, I also have suffered from severely crippling social anxiety for most of my life due to being bullied a lot as a kid/teen but with some long time spent learning to just dive in and keep my guard up I have learned a lot about how to sus out good people to hang out with. I even crashed some random college party on my way home one night cuz I heard their music blasting and was like hey what’s going on over here? over the fence. After I explained that I was just a neighbor and wasn’t being crochety about their loud music, I just wasn’t ready to call it a night yet, they invited me in and fed me fried rice and grilled chicken.

    Now granted I still suffer from severe depression, but going out and taking risks like that has helped me a lot, not just in distracting me from hellworld but reminding myself that they may not be the norm but you’d be surprised how many cool folks are out there. I’ve even met a lot of boomer comrades just by striking up conversations and listening to older folks.

    Also gives me lots of opportunities to evangelize about the immortal science of Marxist Leninism.

  • Go find a local dive bar that looks queer friendly. I have met so many cool people either playing pool or singing Karaoke. Met some Moroccan dudes at a bar the other day that saw my palestine pins and we all joined arms over shoulders dancing around chanting “free free Palestine” and it was the funnest night in a very long time. I’ll probably never meet them again but it was a beautiful moment. I also met a comrade from Colombia at the same Karaoke night and we hung out every night for like a whole week and I promised to help him practice more informal english.

    And I don’t know if you’re interested in bar scenes but there are some very wholesome ones depending where you are.