Literally 1984 (the year, not the book)."
Definitely site tagline material
Literally 1984 (the year, not the book)."
Definitely site tagline material
lmao this bar I go to has this one fascist who is fairly well known for being a huge reactionary dork, and one night I bullied him out of the bar prompting him to complain about me to the bouncer who came over and was gonna ask me to leave so I just explained that he was a piece of shit and once maced one of my friends.
So friday night on my way into the bar all I got from the bouncers was “hey watch out your buddy [redacted] is in there, just try to ignore him”.
The dives I go to will probably let you throw a few punches before they consider throwing you out.
this is the funniest thing in this entire thread
Yeah we already knew reddit was crawling with feds
damn that is eerily accurate lol
Kent State I am guessing
Stoat goat
Roko’s “I pulled this out of my ass”-alisk
Yeah its a pre-internet myth I doubt there is much about it easily findable.
calling bullshit on that, his channel was literally the most low effort shit ever.
Whenever I think about 70s cars I always think back to the popular myth that the chevy Nova performed poorly on the mexican market because if you separate the syllables it says “no go” but Nova literally just means new in spanish it was just a shitty car.
Nah that is definitely his wife. She was on twitter and guested on a couple segments a while back.
Funny but its been this way for months apparently
It doesn’t even make sense by their own logic, all bricks fit into each other so all of them are intersex lol
I can tell by your vocabulary that you are british therefore your opinion is worthless.
Giving you a temp ban for being an annoying debate pervert. “Defying legal limits” is by definition illegal go back to reddit with that shit it is not welcome here.
lmao what a petty spiteful person, not like Biden even remembers what the CIA is anyway
Meanwhile I have got tons of people to actually read and engage with ML theory because I understand it well enough and have spent a life time working retail and service jobs that I know how to talk to people in ways they will understand. It is important to read the source material so that you can do that but it also makes little sense to just regurgitate 100+ year old vocabulary. Once we have the concepts and ideas of Marxism fully absorbed into our analysis it only makes sense to explain things in terms normal people understand.
This is why (for its time) the manifesto was written in fairly plain language that the average worker could get through intuition. We gravely need more approachable theory for modern generations.
That said there is also a time and place and certain audiences that may be swayed by someone speaking like an academic authority. You just gotta kinda read the room.