And 90% of the replies are people going “cuz they are dumb and bad!” and maybe like three guys heavily downvoted at the bottom trying to provide an actual explanation.

Not saying we NEVER get posts like that here. But the whole practice of making posts like these weekly/daily/hourly just screams insecurity to me. I feel like us HexBear commies are all pretty aware of why our opponents don’t agree with us and don’t need daily session of us all collectively reminding each other.

Edit: typo

    5 months ago

    They behave and talk like they don’t believe there is such a thing as peoples who genuinely disagree with them for actual reasons, they think that their position is THE normal one and any other is abnormal, they think we don’t actually disagree with them deep down which is why they so often try to convince us that they are just as left as us and want the same things and that we should just drop our cause and join them, and why they don’t understand and get so upset when we refuse and insist that we can’t, don’t and will never see them as our allies.

    To them, peoples who disagree with them don’t really disagree, they are either ignorant, are being lied to or are lying themselves because this or that government or politician payed them, no on actually disagree with them, they just don’t know themselves that they agree.

    That’s what they don’t or refuse to understand, peoples who disagree with them, regardless of whether they are right or wrong, have reasons for believing what they believe but recognizing this would mean having to look into why others don’t agree with them which they are afraid might topple their beliefs, they poison the well so they don’t look like weirdos when they adamantly refuse to drink any water pulled from it.