dae want to take over an abandoned warehouse and start preaching the words of marx, lenin, and mao to the proletariat masses every saturday morning and communally smoke a blunt afterwards? communsim basically fills the god hole for me anyways.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Every regular commie meeting I go to basically is. Fightback even had the passing of a hat like a tithing plate to pay a member to go to commie school lol. The communist party of canada meetins usually include a couple songs like la internationale or it can be done, it must be done, it will be done. As a gal forced to go to a lot of church when I was younger, the resemblance was striking.

  • join_the_iww [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    I would not admit this out in the open. Conservatives frequently say that “socialism is a religion” in order to draw a false equivalence, and you’re just giving them ammo.

    • is there not a religious component to communism? are some communist writings (often the best of them) not spiritual in nature, extolling truths about the fundamental nature of reality that go beyond the mundane and the immediate? imagining great motivated powers and ways of being beyond the constrained existence of a single person? is there some way to look at the world that the capitalists have won and still be a communist without the facility of Faith?

      • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        I’m not a “you shouldn’t say this because optics” person, because for the most part idc what conservatives think of us, but uh, no, I don’t think there is a fundamental religious component to communism, nor does it require faith. I get the urge but I think it’s mislaid and does not lead anywhere productive. No shade on any religious or spiritual comrades at all, I just don’t think communism should be the religion, unless you want a cult. You can have community gatherings without it being a religion if that’s what you want, and you can have compassionate religious beliefs that are fully compatible with communism without turning communism into a religion.

        If anything this idea that being a communist requires religious faith is just a reflection of how little practical organizing is being done. Communism is a megaproject sure, like a cathedral that will take lifetimes to build, but we can all work towards it in small localized ways, it’s not completely abstract, and it’s not just going to show up one day like the return of christ.