Saying Elon Musk has the brain of a 10 year old would be insulting to 10 year olds. Kids are smarter than this
Steohen King please log off and create a book about a killer shovel or something
Stephen King clearly hates X so why doesn’t he move to Mastodon already
Engagement as a dude speaking truth to power to help sell his books, even though all he’s accomplishing is giving musk and the blue checks oxygen
If speaking truth to power means being a Jeff Teidrich style “Any questions?!” reply guy, I might start siding with the power.
How does that work as a comeback?
Holy shit that graph lmao. “Anti semitic/anti Israel” you ain’t slick with ur fash shit melon
Fuck U Buy Us
I think Stephen King is my favorite terminally online mass market author, but then again The Dark Tower was as much my late '00s-early’10s high-school introduction to Weird Time Shit as homestuck
I know there’s not like, a lot of overlap between the kind of creativity you use for sex and the kind you use for posting, but man does every one of this guy’s posts scream “bad at sex”. And I didn’t set out to speculate about Elon Musk’s lack of prowess, I don’t want this comment to be unfolding this way any more than you do. But it’s his godawful posting, don’t you see, that causes the comparison to leap instantly to mind. Does that make sense? When I just see someone who is so baffllingly, heinously uncharismatic, who oozes insecurity and incompetence from his pores, but who also never stops making poorly measured overcompensatory stabs at coolness and panache…I can’t help but wonder how those tendencies traslate to other areas of his life, you know?
Anyway it’s very funny that he’s basically just his tabletop game theory character.
bazinga-brain is real