Depends on what version and what time It started.
The 1990 version is 192 minutes
The 2017 version is 135 minutesKeep in mind that PAL DVDs generally play 4% faster than NTSC releases which play at original speed.
Isn’t that the opposite? PAL plays at 25fps and ntsc plays at 30. Or is the 4% a result of telecine or something?
Yep. Original film is 24fps. As far as I know, for NTSC, 2:3 pulldown is used. In case of PAL, it is simply sped up to 25fps.
Thursday afternoon from what I hear.
Good. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Should we lie down… Or put a bag over our heads?
When you close your eyes and they don’t open again
The date is immaterial, but it will be a Monday. the Mondayiest of Mondays
About 1.7×10^106 years.
According to Frank, the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds.
To quote the poet:
“I can’t imagine running a race with no finish line; just let me keep my pace and make the most of my time.”
It ends when it ends, try to enjoy it while it hasn’t ended yet. You might wish it hadn’t ended by the time it did end :)
(Assuming that the end is not a desired end but an inevitable end)Now. *takes a sip* Aaaah, that hit the spot.
…it = my caffeine withdrawal, right? Right???
When what?
Time is a figment of your imaginagion, luchtime doubly so.
Define “it.”
It’s in your face, but you can’t grab it.
I don’t know when it will end; but this too shall pass.