I loved the “job creators” argument because it is super easy to disprove.
If my company that has one employee makes twice the profits off the same number of orders as it made last year Im not hiring anyone because I don’t need to despite being able to afford it. What would make me hire someone else is the volume of orders increasing past the point where I can fill them hence the customers are the job creators.
Working class working directly for other working class instead of corpos and billionaires is the wealth class’s worst nightmare because it makes it obvious to the average person nobody needs a wealth class, and they are leeching from society without doing anything productive for civilization.
This came up in another thread but folks were talking about how the rich don’t even like build libraries and theaters anymore. They don’t even pretend to care. They just build bunkers and yachts.
Video I found: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mUwdNOCenco
I’m sure whatever he said after that clip ends was in effort to gaslight that crowd into thinking taxing the rich is somehow a bad thing.
We now have 5 decades of solid evidence that trickle-down economics don’t work. Anyone still claiming the contrary is either a) delusional or b) rich.
BuT thEYRe jOb CrEAtOrs!!!
ThEYrE pHilANthrOPists!!
INovAtIOn! ThEYrE iNnovATorS!!!
I loved the “job creators” argument because it is super easy to disprove.
If my company that has one employee makes twice the profits off the same number of orders as it made last year Im not hiring anyone because I don’t need to despite being able to afford it. What would make me hire someone else is the volume of orders increasing past the point where I can fill them hence the customers are the job creators.
And customers are created by average people having disposable income. Want jobs created? Tax the rich and spread that to the working class. EZPZ.
Working class working directly for other working class instead of corpos and billionaires is the wealth class’s worst nightmare because it makes it obvious to the average person nobody needs a wealth class, and they are leeching from society without doing anything productive for civilization.
This came up in another thread but folks were talking about how the rich don’t even like build libraries and theaters anymore. They don’t even pretend to care. They just build bunkers and yachts.
Plus let’s not forget that wages are an expense and thus a tax write-off for a business.
I wish I could see the rest though. I would love to hear where he went sure that.
Wont take long until they reintroduce taring and feathering.