She said she was doing laundry at a laundromat near the Save A Lot with her father, Joseph Lee, when his arms and legs began to cramp up from an infection. He walked a couple of doors down into the Save A Lot grocery store to get some bananas because potassium would help relieve the cramping, she said.
She said he told her that he picked up four bananas, one of which he ate on the way to the register, and that he told the cashier that he needed to pay for four bananas even though she scanned only three. Anjelica Lee said her father told her he was followed closely while he was shopping by a white female employee, who, she said, accused him of stealing the banana he ate.
He told the woman that he had not stolen anything and that he had paid for four bananas, but she followed him outside and continued to falsely accuse him of stealing, Anjelica Lee said her father told her. When she noticed the commotion, she said, she confronted the woman.
I have to play devil’s advocate: How, unless they’re watching you constantly on a monitor, would they know your kid ate the fruit while walking around? In theory couldn’t your kid eat the fruit and leave the peel on a shelf somewhere before going to checkout?
I’m mainly saying this because I frown every time I see something that wasn’t paid for being eaten in the store, and as a former retail worker I’ve found empty banana peels on shelves. I’m not saying that happened in this case but going “trust me bruh” that everyone eating fruit in the store is going to pay for it is asking for shrinkage.
And that’s worth beating a guy over? Because that’s what this story is about.
That may be what the story is about, but my point was still made regarding food being eaten before being paid for.
I did not advocate for the beating of the man, I simply said eating something before it’s paid for is improper (IMO) and I could see why someone could think they didn’t pay.
Once proof was provided that should have been the end of it, so I agree with the outrage expressed in the article about the treatment of the man.
Honestly my point wasn’t really saying you think a dude should be beaten over a banana. I don’t think there are a lot of folks who actually believe that, I was just talking shit for effect. I do think your original comment was missing the forest for the trees.
Remember, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.
Have you ever been to a restaurant? You eat before you pay.
Completely different than going to a grocery store. Not even comparable.
Most grocery stores in my area have a basket of free fruit for kids to eat while in the store. Because why not, when a banana costs all of 20 cents. It is absolutely crazy to physically assault someone over that amount.
Never said the man should be beaten.
You frown over this? Who gives a shit about shrink. The people who own these supermarkets can afford to give a bushel of bananas to every customer for every visit and still be swimming in money.
Devil’s advocacy has its place, this isn’t one of them. A man has been hospitalized over a fucking banana.
Just my opinion, you don’t have to like it
Good, because no one does
You know what they say, opinions are like butts…
You really HAVE to play the devils advocate? Are you sure? Are you sure you HAVE to?
Because no one found this insightful or valuable. No one. So you HAVE to? Really?
Honestly I didn’t get father than “devil’s advocate.” Fuck you.
I frown at single pieces of fruit being eaten before being paid for and I firmly believe people who eat them should be beaten severely!
Dude, do you even hear yourself right now?
Never said I condone beating the guy.
Unless you 100% for sure know a person intentionally left a mess of used merchandise, then there’s no need to escalate. Even then, you simply call them out for it and ban them from the store.
The lady was clearly unhinged and was taking it out on this guy.