Yeah yeah treats, slop, fascism and so on. I like true crime, if you’ve got an issue then come to evergreen terrace 742 and we can talk about it.
Anyway I used to love Last Podcast on The Left, but they’ve lost the sauce. I enjoyed them for the fact they seemed to do a lot of research, but aloof treatment of the subject matter (making “gold star episodes” for especially gory stuff 🤮) and also, somehow, wanting to do the “scary and serious” type voice… It’s shit.
I’d love some recommendations for True Crime podcasts that:
- Treat the victims with respect.
- Don’t give the perpetrators mythological gravitas
- Do deep research
- Are entertaining
- Aren’t trying to make me believe the world is out to get me so Ill buy their home alarm system.
By entertainment I don’t mean funny. I just mean it provides you with whatever it is you expect to get out of listening to a good podcast.

I’ve tried to get into them, but it seems like they just chat? I must’ve missed something
Their series on Synanon and rehab boarding schools is some of their best work:
Cannot recommend The Game enough. Haunting. The part at the end when
Brace confronts the guy was really something. The one the opened with the weird psychological abuse session was also chilling.
Ought to give it another listen.
The game is spectacular
The episodes that are about a certain topic are good, the other ones are more just chatting.
In addition to The Game, I have to recommend all the Spider Network episodes. They’re about the metastasization of Nazism throughout the world following WW2. They’re kinda scattered but people have listed them here and on the TA sub a couple times if you search for Spider Network.