He asked me if I had ever seen umbrella academy.
I told him I had. Great show.
He says “you wanna know who you remind me of?”
I’m thinking if he says Klaus I’m gonna lose my shit.
“That medium guy that’s always high”
After I got done laughing my ass off I was just like yeah fair.
Klaus is like the coolest character in the show tho. Now if someone said I reminded them of Five I would simply jump off a bridge
Once I met a bunch of my australian relatives - my great aunt’s kids and grandkids - and some fucking 4 year old came up to me in the kitchen and says “You don’t have a girlfriend, do you, Owl?”
so I’m like “That’s very perceptive of you, how did you know that?”
and this tiny australian shitling looks me in the eye, says “because you’re ugly”, then turns around and leaves.I would have absolutely put that kid in the bin if I’d worked out which of the 3 anklebiters running around it was.
would have just done it to all 3.
Kids are absolutely brutal. And they have this uncanny ability to figure out what you’re insecure about and tease you about it mercilessly.
I had one of my 17 year old employees I reminded him of the ape guy from that show. I was flattered until he said explained immediately at me that it was because my arms and back were so Harry.