Come on, man. Use the last of your life force to release Dark Brandon one more time. The shows over after this no matter what.
‘…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution…’
duty-bound to take donvict and all his comrades out, or at least round 'em up and ship 'em off to gitmo for a little island vaca. cruz would love that, winter’s coming.
…But he won’t do anything and we all know it. Their inaction is proof that all the cries of “democracy is in peril!” was a cynical tactic to drum up votes. If they were sincere about any of that, they would have had plans in place for these last couple months. Trump led an armed insurrection four years ago, but the democrats are more concerned with maintaining decorum and “reaching across the aisle” than they are with chasing even a vague semblance of justice.
Hell, they’re not even interested in going after Gaetz with any real sense of urgency or vigor. Nixon was pardoned and this is the law of the land. Remember, Democrats and Republicans though they may be, they still all work for the same organization.
Politicians can’t and won’t save us. We have to save ourselves.
Learn to build guillotines
Guillotines are hard to move. A little bit of gas and a source of flame works just as well.
i suppose if we’re to eat the rich, we should probably cook them anyways
Nooooo don’t call for violence1!!
Protest PEACEFULLY! Vote away the baddies!! Keep going to work!
Vigilantism is so cool. Then we become adults and join society.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying here if you think this relates at all to what I wrote.
You surely mean populist wankers? Anarchism while supposed to become while preserving order, how fucking could it? Without centrally organized hierarchy there is no laws, no organized institutions, no naught!
I disagree but regardless, we aren’t necessarily discussing a violent revolution that immediately and instantly destroys capitalism and the state. Frankly, that is a distant possibility at this point and I’m not really convinced it’s a good strategy even if it was possible.
But it’s undeniable that direct action, mutual aid, and horizontal organizing can be an effective counter to growing authoritarianism. There are countless examples from history and recent times.
My hope is that as we begin to build these structures at local scales, we learn more about the best practices to create these types of organizations, and the ones that work will grow in size and influence, displacing violent, hierarchical structures. A sort of evolutionary rather than revolutionary process, but still arriving at the same end eventually.
If you’re not a populist you’re an enemy of the people.
Furthermore anarchism is not disorganised random people doing whatever they want. Look at the Zapatistas for a perfect example of how people can organise and work together as a society without hierarchy.
You should look up what populism means!
He won’t do any of it… but,
- Order the immediate publication of all government climate research data
- Lease all climate monitoring satellites to the EU for 5 years.
- Order the complete destruction of all records of US secret agents, foreign assets, etc. operating outside the US.
- Pardon everyone convicted of federal drug crimes for possession of cannibis
- Order the complete destruction of all records of immigrants who entered the country under executive order but without any other legal protection
- Order the complete destruction of all heath records of government employees, especially those regarding gender affirming care and pregnancy.
- Share as much espionage data as possible on Russia, Saudia Arabia, etc. with trusted foreign nations.
Warning on 3 and 5. The UK destroyed records of immigrants who were invited over to help rebuild Britain postwar and their children. Then a racist Conservative government deported a bunch of them who were children in the 1940s and didn’t have proof of legal immigration status - the only legal documentation had been destroyed. These now old people were dumped back in the Caribbean having lived in the UK for almost their entire lives. It was brutal.
I think #4 already happened.
Yup, the only ones he didn’t pardon were the ones with “intent to distribute”, and those should probably be pardoned, and those driving under the influence, who maybe shouldn’t.
I’d be worried about the ones charged with driving under the influence. It could easily be a way of profiling, given that there isn’t any objective way to prove someone’s high and not just having consumed within a couple days. The only current way that I know of is a field sobriety test, which can be a bit subjective.
given that there isn’t any objective way to prove someone’s high and not just having consumed within a couple days
You can do blood tests for THC, which are a reliable measure.
You are probably thinking of THC-COOH urine or saliva tests, which indeed will show positive for days or even weeks after you are already sober again, since THC-COOH is a metabolite of THC that takes very long to break down and does not have psychoactive properties
Just do it how Canada does it, they have a very reasonable cut-off value for THC blood concentration that even regular consumers with a tolerance for THC won’t surpass while sober again
You can, but did they in the cases in question?
Going forward, it’s a good thing that a method exists to test if someone actually is driving high.
Oh, I’m sure lots of them were wrongfully committed based on inaccurate urine tests or field sobriety tests, no doubt about that
I heard the FBI has a file on Tulsi Gabbard and her activities with Russia et al. Biden could declassify that report to tank her becoming DNI. Mentioned on the “Hacks on Tap” podcast from yesterday, so this isn’t just some social media conspiracy theory, it comes from plugged in politicos. Biden won’t, but he could.
A bunch he could declassify.
That would be awesome. Publish what the FBI found about Trump taking 10 million in cash from Egypt, Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, and all the other bullshit we don’t even know about.
I wish we lived in a timeline where he’d consider doing something so great.
I heard the FBI has a file on Tulsi Gabbard and her activities with Russia et al. Biden could declassify that report to tank her becoming DNI.
What so far leads you to believe that a Republican-controlled senate is going to reject a Trump appointment no matter what is released? Sure, it would be great if Biden did this, but at this point I’m convinced this would be the effect:
Anyone not a Trump supporter: Yeah! Score one for the good guys! She’ll never be confirmed now!
Republican Senate: Appointment confirmed!
Trump Supporters: Cool, now on to Dr. Oz!
As an official act:
Oops the records on student loans got misplaced, all paper backups are somehow gone too. Welp, I guess they don’t have loans anymore.
Do you not know how deeply entrenched Biden is in student loans? He is directly the reason they cannot be expunged in bankruptcy.
One of the few things his administration did during his Presidency was to dig up old loans (like 20 YEARS old) that have already been written off by the schools as bad debt, and SENT THEM BACK TO COLLECTIONS, which are masquerading as the Dept of Education. He made a point to spend time finding vulnerable, overeducated, underpaid young people and threw them under the bus for debt that already went through 7 years of hitting credit reports. And, again, which the schools themselves have already written off.
So yeah, he’s not that guy.
Can you back this up with proof?
The pandemic “HEROES” act (extreme fucking irony) in 2022 brought all defaulted student loans to “current.” And because they’re Federal loans, the government can still attempt to collect. And they tack on 20+ years’ interest. So for a 3k Perkins loan from 2001, they want an additional $2,750 in interest. And if you MADE PAYMENTS in the past, quelle surprise, they have no record of that.
And instead of being able to talk to the actual Dept of Education, they’ve placed collection agencies like ECSI as their front of house. ECSI will say, only the school can dismiss these charges. So you contact your school, the school expresses incredulity, reaches out to ECSI to tell them the debt has been written off, and then ECSI (aka DoEd) says, nuh-uh.
It’s a system designed to resolve nothing while putting people over a cheese grater from loans they didn’t even need from 2 decades ago.
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I didn’t do a deep enough dive but nothing immediately jumped out at me either
Thank you!
That’s not proof. That’s just further explaining what you said. I’d like to see actual evidence of what you’re suggesting.
Well fucking look it up yourself. If you haven’t clued in, I’m describing my own experience. You think I’m posting the ECSI letter and correspondence from my undergrad in the early 2000s here for you?
That wouldn’t be a particularly good proof even if you did. That would just demonstrate something happened once. A sample size of one is, in most cases, not really all that useful. I would say all, but I’m not completely sure there are no exceptions.
Remember bro your not the fuck face whisperer, you don’t have to explain things.
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I think…and I could be wrong… that the Supreme Court has to agree with said official act.
When they’re all corrupt, they won’t agree unless you’re their sugar daddy.
He should fire them as an official act, hire new supreme court justices who on his last day in office declare presidents can no longer do whatever the hell they want and kneecap Trump from undoing shit as soon as he gets into office.
Would he do something so cool? Of course fucking not.
Honestly I’ll just take literally kneecapping Trump and call it a day, is that really a big ask?
This is correct. The ruling leaves it completely open to interpretation by the Supreme Court, regarding what constitutes an official act. The ruling was never a power gift to the presidency, it was a power grab by by the Supreme Court.
I thought the same. It seems clear that the Supreme Court intended that ruling for use by their political side, if a Democrat tries to use it that’s the instant they’ll overturn it.
Which would be one way to get rid of it i suppose
They’ll just rule that it couldn’t be a valid presidential act because it’s not constitutional for some batshit crazy made up reason. Meanwhile armed insurrection against the US government is FINE because 'MURCA.
The judicial relies on the executive for enforcement. Dems don’t have the balls.
“Buh… buh… when they go low, we go high!”
High? Biden should just reschedule weed to the least restrictive category and smoke weed on white house lawn while doing a twitch stream be like “Folks, I can’t remember my name, but this is some good shit…” continues smoking weed
That’s how you go high.
Can’t let Gary fucking Johnson have the best weed-related PR stunt of a US presidential candidate.
“And now, a fireside chat with the president… and some kind of water jug contraption in a Home Depot bucket”
If we live in an infinite multiverse, I want to slide over to the timeline where that happens.
Biden was never the person to be tough on fascism, why would he start now?
Bidens 2019 promise to rich donors: “No ones standard of living will change”
Promise kept. Too bad he lost the lower and middle class with that, but it was past time for the charade to be over anyway.
Use his complete immunity to reset the courts
He could implement a max age on everyone paid by the federal government that would cover judges as well.
And presidents too. There’s a minimum age requirement, but no maximum. In times past it was unthinkable anyone would vote for a geriatric dementia patient yet here we are.
The Dems have no spines. They let the Republicans play them like fiddles while they insist on maintaining decorum and “good faith” politics.
I’m sure the Democratic Party of the 1960s would surely agree with this graphic.
I’m slowly, reluctantly, starting to seriously consider the often repeated possibility that they like things just as they are. They get to be the conservative party who masquerades as the left leaning party. R takes all the heat, D does whatever the billionaire class wants.
If I fully accept that, it’s going to bring suicidal thoughts, but I’m starting to at least consider it, where previously I thought it was ridiculous tinfoil hattery.
But, after seeing Harris reward the wave of enthusiasm she first received with pivoting on her heel and running as a more polite Republican, I’m having a hard time maintaining my tinfoil hat assessment.
Don’t do that, don’t give me cope
while I’m not trying to excuse biden of all people, who’s responsible for the situation we’re in… but in reality he can’t do shit with the supreme court decision.
the supreme court didn’t really say anything a president does is legal. they said it would still be illegal but we will stop you from prosecuting them of they’re republicans.
the qualifications were purposely vague enough to allow republicans prosecute democrats and the supreme court hold up the prosecution saying it doesn’t qualify, and throw it away if the prosecution is in the opposite direction.
Yeah but fuck it. Biden should make them prosecute him. Or more ideally, jail the justices who ruled in favor of giving king-like powers to a president.
Their decision was so outside the bounds of democracy that something needs to be done.
if he had any interest he would’ve packed the court already.
Against expanding the court. Against single payer. Against eliminating the filibuster, Against using the 14th to get around budget hostage taking. Against womens reproductive rights. Against Sanders’s push to stop weapons shipments in the genocide. Until now against long range missiles for Ukraine, against defund and reallocate, against citizens rights when dealing with police.
against against against.
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lol. I don’t know if you’re naive or conservative trying to legitimize it as a nonpartisan decision. they will be the arbiters of what’s allowed to be an official act. if you’re a democrat they can just say nah the president can’t officially do this. that’s the whole point.
Biden isn’t going to do anything
Yeah lmao if you think the Dems will do anything besides consolidate power and give it to Republicans you have Stockholm Syndrome
They are all owned by the same class of oligarchs
Evil exit: glass the moon with nukes causing it to be 10% more reflective and drastically raise earth’s temperature
I don’t think very much of our arsenal if any can hit the moon. Maybe space force could? I doubt they could glass over more than a small mare or two if so.
maybe draw a little dick on it?