There was a, idk, art projkect? Something? Years back called jumpsuit that appropriately enough would make you a fitted bespoke “everything is grey and sad and we all wear the same clothes because communism” and apparently they were wonderful because bespoke clothes actually fit and liberating because you didn’t have to worry about fashion or beauty standard or anything because you just put on your jumpsuit and it did everything you needed a garment to do.
Wow that sounds wonderful
Imagining how each person would start to have individual wear patterns on the coveralls, little accessories they wear, and other things like that sounds so great lol.
Striking up a conversation about the interesting placement of your pockets and what hobbies they’re for
I’m working my way towards that slowly. I’m buying a few pieces of thicker, well-made clothing and doing all the repairs with the same red thread so that eventually I’ll have an internally consistent set. It started when I poorly reattached the strap of a canvas bag with red thread in college and loved the look of it. I have really intense color fixations so it’s soothing for me.
There’s a advertainment YouTube channel for a denim brand that posts “reviews” of worn out garments that their customers send back in (for a discount on a new one), and there’s always kinda neat stuff that wears into people’s clothes - like a musician who has more wear on the left shoulder and collar of a jacket from an instrument strap
Could you tell me the name of it? I really like Denim.
Naked and Famous - here’s that jacket video. I generally like their pants, especially when they’re a bit less expensive than some of the more interesting brands.
I really like Denim
I remember - you posted about that TCB coat however long ago! Hope you’re getting lots of wear out of it. I’m wearing one of their aprons right now - taking a quick break from painting some miniatures lol
Ope yeah that’s me! I love it. I should have gotten a size down but overall it’s a good fit. I replaced the button stays with some of my favorite pins and now I have a trove of treasures/accessories.
It’s very light and great for me because I work as a teacher and always have lots of things to stick in my pockets.
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… bespoke clothes actually fit and liberating because you didn’t have to worry about fashion or beauty standard or anything because you just put on your jumpsuit and it did everything you needed a garment to do.
i buy all my clothes in bulk and get them fitted in mass in an attempt to make something like this true for myself and you’re right, it takes all those worries away automatically and you’re free to focus on yourself.
the only downside to doing it this way is that your aesthetic becomes dated and both shallow and young people will ostracize you for it. since they’re a overwhelming majority of the people i encounter when i leave the house, it’s taught me reduce the bulk purchases so that i can update the look more often.
young people will ostracize you for it
join us
that’s how i feel when my gen-alpha grand nieces & nephews pick on me and i CAN’T WAIT for them to start picking on their millennial parents like i did to mine at their age. lol
I didn’t even realize young people had money for clothes. Like there is one specific fashionable guy i see when i’m out shopping and he’s more or less the only person I see anywhere who isn’t dressed shlubby or like a circa 2012 Colombuia outdoor wear catalogue. Part of that is living in the mathematically furthest point from art, culture, and and the pulse of the new though.
i used to like the california shabby-chic style from the mid 2000’s most because it was cheap but also because of the sprezzatura nature of it was natural for me due to being a life long lazy dresser and not caring about fashion and you’re right about this kind of ethos being far away from art, culture, and new thought.
i’m an engineer without a single artistic bone in my body; but i’m been surrounded all my life by artistic & politically active people (mostly through blood) and; since they’re an overwhelming majority of the people i care about in my life; i’ve learned to let their outsized influence be the biggest source of new forms of art, culture and new thought to enter my life.
i still have my own sources for those things; but they’re all grey beards like me and the stuff coming from gens z & alpha is usually much more fun. lol
Nobody ever makes fun of jeans and a death metal t shirt from my experience and i have gen alpha nieces and nephews
i sometimes wish that were true for me; but they still pick on me mercilessly and it’s nice know that you live rent free in their heads. lol
Hahaha maybe mine are just nice
it’s because i encourage the behavior in the hopes that it will make them comfortable with questioning authority.
i feel like i have some sort of social responsibility as the gay grand uncle to foster healthy chaos that leads to deeper understanding in my family’s younger generations whenever i can and force their maga-sympathetic parents to question their views in the context of their own children and the shitty future that they’re creating for them by voting for people like trump. (and also force open their minds so they won’t react as badly as my parents did when their own children come out to them).
i’m sort of like a reverse racist uncle that no one wants at thanksgiving; except that the kids love me because of all the chaos and their parents are sick of my “commie bullshit” and the best part is that i’ll always have a seat at the table because their grandma wants me there and knows how to twist her children’s arms into making it happen, just like our mother did to us with her “commie, art-freak” friends and to my father’s chagrin. lol
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m also insufferable for the adults and encourage defiant behavior in the children.
as is your birthright; well done.
I’ve started making my own clothes and I’m personally going for a kind of hooded luxuriant apocalypse preacher vibe. Lots of polyester, lots of quilting. It’s hard but very rewarding so far, I can make honeycomb clothing now
(Replaced stock photo with actual photo)
My aunt got me some metallic color threads last Christmas that I’ve also been testing as a highlighter (using an earlier attempt as canvas
I quite like the silver/red/venom green contrast…
Hexagons are the bestagons. That’s awesome.
Please share some pics when you finish a piece! That style sounds sick and the honeycomb already looks great
you are so cool!!!
whoa looks awesome
I want to do this too. developing our own crafts, styles, and methods is the first step to creating a culture.
I am developing RFK type fears about polyester and synthetic fabrics. Do you have any information?
Yeah I refuse to buy clothes made from non natural fabrics these days, slowly phasing my plastic shit out
I don’t, I just figure that they will probably not kill me before something else does
Learn how to sew!! Maybe we should make a sewing com
I recently started learning, and it’s so great to make clothes that actually fit my lanky transfem frame
I found a tiny dark cramped fabric shop on a corner in my town that only takes cash and sells everything for $2 a yard, my clothing has never been cheaper
I feel like any sewing or other textile projects could easily be at home in fashion.
I keep flirting with the idea of getting into sashiko, but haven’t had the time/energy for extra hobbies.
I am so excited about the idea of sashiko but my sewing skills in practice are still undeveloped. There is this really interesting trend of sashiko-like textiles coming from historical reproduction denim makers in japan.
I wanted to buy these as a present for my BF but the sold out his size right before the paycheck I would have saved enough :/
I love the stuff where they make jackets or jeans from a similar material to kendo gis. They’re always super expensive though, lol. They look like they fade in a super pretty way
I wanted to buy these as a present for my BF but the sold out his size right before the paycheck I would have saved enough :/
I have to remind myself that there will always be more cool stuff around in the future whenever this happens!
It’s true! I e-mailed another brand about something I was interested in that was sold out and they just told me the restock date so now I know what I will get to spend it on. Or we can go out to a nice dinner lol.
A general purpose crafting com, separate from the art one, would be sick.
I would be the phantom of that comm, posting a hundred new half-done projects, a million episode ones
❤️ same.
The distinction between ‘arts’ and ‘crafts’ is just so much historic misogyny. There is no reason why something useful cannot be art! Particularly as communists we should work to find beauty and and actualization through the regular stuff of life.
There’s no reason why a beautifully made plate you eat on each day isn’t art but a plate placed in a postmodern exhibition is now magically art because of the (usually white male) artistic intent.
Traditionally “women’s” work was considered crafts: quilting, weaving, spinning, sewing, clothesmaking, and so on while representational arts with less use value like painting and sculpting were mainly restricted to male artisans and deemed art.
To conclude, the art com should be expanded to include crafting particularly since it has very low activity and would not benefit from splitting with an allied (and imo overlapping) subject matter.
I would anticipate opsec issues with showing off unique clothes and cosplays we make, but it would be cool to talk about techniques, materials, gear, etc. and share our less identifying creations
Fun poncho fact! The character Chel from The Road to El-Dorado was originally planned to have her clothing be a poncho.
Just a poncho.
Kinda-sorta-NSFW official original concept art. Needless to say this didn’t get approved by Dreamworks higher-ups, so they eventually went with the less-scandalous tubetop and skirt-thing. Which some believe was the production plan all along.
Smh this is what happens when woke
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Normalize autistic fashion lol. Give me plain tagless tshirts and joggers/sweatpants any day.
Under communism, well made, consistent and comfortable basics will be available to all at little to no cost.
For real though, especially the consistency part. I have multiples of clothing I wear a lot, and going back to the store to find its been changed or just isn’t made anymore really sucks.
I have 2 pair of super cozy joggers I just picked up and almost wanna go and get like 6 more for backups lol. I know when I need new pants, these won’t be on the racks. I have a few pair of stretchy jeans that are actually wearable without too much suffering I’d like some backups for but they cost $50 and I can’t afford that now.
It’s funny because your comment reminds me of that old image of a grocery store shelf in Cuba full of tomato sauce and people were all like “Only one brand? We have choice in Amerikkka!” and I was like “It’s fucking tomato sauce. It shouldn’t even need one brand!”
My two favourite pairs of joggers are over a decade old by now. One is on the verge of needing repairs. The other has been held together by sashiko for a couple of years. They’re still preferable to anything I’ve found in stores for a long time.
Really bugs me that joggers became skinny and/or without cuffs and always with pockets too small for my hands, nevermind a phone or wallet. Useless clothing.
I used to be on this train but I got a pair of cowboy jeans at the thrift store with a really high waist that never pull down when I sit and now I don’t really wear anything else. It’s so frustrating that there’s not more super high waisted pants available when they are so comfy.
I’m still not sure how I feel about high wasted jeans. When I was doing the club/bar hopping scene low rise were in and that was kind of trashy and never seemed comfortable. I’m not a big fan of “mom jean” type pants but the high wasted but 80’s esque baggy ones that seem to be in right now can be cute as hell tho for some reason. Maybe because it sort of touches on grunge?
We are sort of post-trend at the moment. Anything that you feel hot and comfortable in is going to be read that way. Like if you can confidently do something cohesive, that’s what matters.
Maybe because it sort of touches on grunge?
In general though, high-waisted pants are a flattering silhouette regardless of trends. IMO low-rise/hip-huggers are just to scream ‘I’m very thin!’ You can also get high-waisted without bagginess.
I also want to wear pomchos…
Retvrn to Gun Under Poncho
Every shopping center has the same 3 chain stores around here.
We have the Mao suit and the Stalin tunic. A poncho would be cool as well. For me i’d like to incorporate some kind of sash or a small cloak.
ponchos, loose jumpsuits with lots of pockets, and sci fi helmet + flowing robe combos will all be the future of fashion.
Pretty sure you can, yeah.
Ponchos go hard. If I had a poncho to rock I would.
My clothes can be sorted into 4 categories: punk, goth, paramilitary and generic but necessary (thermal shirts, socks, underwear etc). When I lived in the sticks there was a huge nearby military surplus store that aside from things that could be used for hunting barely moved anything. Got sooooo many coats from there, my olive drab game is huge and I could easily play the dude in a Vietnam movie that’s been in the shit too long. Even have a sleeveless vest
Only if it means we can bring back the Stetson too
While we’re st it, boonie hats are communist now. If snyone sees someone in a boonie hat, ask them innocently if they’re a communist
I’m into well used clothes. I’m not fashionable lol.
Buying used clothes and/or wearing your clothes out and mending them yourself will make them unique over time. Adding your own decoration and modifications (utilitarian or otherwise) to standard items will also make them uniquely you.
Also, ponchos are cool, I kind of prefer hoodies, but that may be my age/local climate.
Nobody’s stopping you from being the change you want to see comrade.