xj9 [they/them, she/her]

en la sombra de un bolillo

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I’m currently chatting with some folks in a discord server, but idk if I’m able to invite others. I’m planning to spin up a lemmy instance to facilitate more project discussion. Pretty informal at this stage, but our current draft configs are mirrored here and I have some of my other projects on there as well.

    I originally wanted to have a cute little cluster of fossil repos, but the forum is text only and that’s pretty limiting.

  • I’m still trying to understand how actually replacing people with AI is supposed to work, because the quality of the outputs is still essentially trash. I do understand that in the short term capital prefers to swing its dick around to prove a point, and maybe that’s all there is to it. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that AI hype is being used to cover for a very real economic slowdown that is actually driving the lack of job prospects and layoffs. Maybe capital is just hoping that AIs can do a good enough job to keep them floating until the recession is over.

  • If the democratic powers that be won’t stop enabling genocide, we have to physically prevent the arms from getting to where they’re meant to go. Some countries are refusing port access to arms shipments, maybe a similar action at various US ports like have been reported on some indie outlets would be in order.

    Its pretty hard core, but I don’t see what other options we have. Its possible that some kind of political reform could make a difference, but I imagine that would have to be done as part of a mass anti genocide movement. The timeline for that doesn’t really work though and we can’t resign ourselves to saying its too late.

  • Try doing anything without other people being involved, is that even possible? How does that line of thinking tell us anything about how people should relate to each other? You can analyze atomized individuals, but you end up with really incoherent ideas like “humans are fundamentally selfish”. Sure, humans can be raised to be selfish, but compassion has to be beaten out of people in order to maintain a system that relies on these ideas. Honestly, the problem with individualism is that it depends on people living in an extremely forgiving environment. Any amount of serious adversity will teach you that it fucking sucks to do hard or complicated shit by yourself.

  • Dansup doesn’t really deliver novel tech, but I’m always happy to see the idea getting out there and working out UX ideas at least. Federated video is a tough one. Web p2p tech is extremely limited so don’t expect too much. Fedi dev’s fixation of web technologies is really holding the platform back imo. Peertube makes bit torrent look bad by not being a complete peer experience, only because browsers can’t do real networking. like, I can stream any show I want over bit torrent the day it releases no problem. with over 40 peers for popular content. hosting tiktok-like content could be just as good, but you just can’t do this with web.

    Sadly, most of the more technical projects have reactionary politics and a blockchain attached… That’s slowly changing, but we have way less funding at our disposal so its rough.