• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    That’s like saying that the burgler that bypassed your locks by smashing a window is fully justified because you didn’t put cages over the glass.

    There is no lock. There is no broken window. There is no burglar, because this person was invited inside the house. The Democratic Party has been rife with “Pro-Life” candidates for decades. The Dems on the judiciary committee going back 40 years have rubber stamped Pro-Life candidates in the Judiciary Committee.

    Dems will put the GOP in their fucking cabinet. The GOP isn’t breaking in, its being invited in.

    Don’t let right-wing nuts lie to you about objective reality.

    If you wait on Federal Dems to save you, you’re going to be left extremely disappointed.

    • SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip
      57 minutes ago

      Cool story, bro (or sis, or comrade, or whatever, idk you). Was it the Democrats 40 years ago that discarded ages-old decorum, stared down stare decicis, and said “nah, that ain’t for me,” to then threw out established case law, casting doubt on the legitimacy of 1/3 of the co-equal branches of government? Oh, no? It wasn’t? It was a group of far-right so-called “Christians” put on the SCOTUS by Republicans?

      Yeah, that’s certainly how I remember it happening, and, you know, objectively true, so thanks anyway.

      • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        47 minutes ago

        Was it the Democrats 40 years ago that discarded ages-old decorum, stared down stare decicis, and said “nah, that ain’t for me,”

        The Republican nominees said the magic words and the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee rubber stamped every GOP nominee since Clarence Thomas. If Dems were hoodwinked time after time after time by candidates who mouthed “stare decisis” to the Senate and proceeded to piss on it as soon as the confirm vote cleared, perhaps they bare some of the blame for being so fucking gullible.

        It was a group of far-right so-called “Christians” put on the SCOTUS by Republicans?

        By Joe Biden’s Democrats. By Dianne Feinstein’s Democrats. By committee after committee that cowered when Bill Frist or Lindsey Graham whispered “the nuclear option” to a DC journalist. Every nominee since Bork has been worst than the last, and yet Dems refuse to hold up nominations on the grounds of polite decorum.

        Well, fuck my man. The J6ers are at the gates. Democracy is finally on the table. We’ve got 6 judges who will just as soon wipe their asses with the rulebooks as read them. Can we get a 10th and 11th appointment to the courts to balance things out, President Biden? No? Oh well, I guess its game over.