Some of these guys make it seem like they have no prospects because they’re like 5’7 or whatever .

Do you actually feel this way?

Honestly myself im 6’1 and my 5’8 pal gets way more attention from women than me.

Of course thats anecdotal, but.

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    7 days ago

    My poor cishet comrades tbh trans-sad

    I guess it’s “fine” to discriminate your relationship choices by height, some people seem to think so? Me though, I have dated people as short as 5’2" and as tall as 6’1" and I am happy & able to equally appreciate any height, Idk.

  • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    7 days ago

    I’m not that short but not tall either.

    My best friend though is like 5’3. He says dating was really difficult for him growing up. He says I do much better but I tell him he’s got a better average. He only ever had 5 girlfriends and married the last one with a great kid and they’re perfect for each other. Honestly beautiful family. That’s pretty badass. So it’s not impossible anyway. For all you shorter people, we all love you too!

  • SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]
    7 days ago

    in my experience as a 5’6", queer women tend not to care and cishets do tend to. also i get a lot more matches on tinder where i simply don’t list my height vs hinge where they make you do it, idk if that’s just fewer users on Hinge talking or if the height thing does matter that much (most of my matches are bi/pan women and/or fembies regardless, i’d say 60 percent or so, maybe even more). this sorta works for me, i prefer Q4Q dynamics for a host of other reasons anyway (hate the heteronormative song and dance around courtship and love).

    idk also of the two people i met off the apps one was a bit taller than me and was super into me and i was not into her and she was a cishet. but she also had no problem throwing around height based insults toward other men? she had a lotta issues though, it was obviously a bad fit.

    idt it’s a huge issue offline where people are just generally more open to each other if the person seems decent and charming and interesting. but with online dating, where we’re encouraged to throw people away for not checking certain boxes (which makes sense to a degree, these are strangers you’re vetting off extremely preliminary/curated data) it becomes more of a thing. i’m not drowning in casual booty but my slightly short ass has had romances with some absolute babes in my time big-cool and a lot of these came from in-person connection (all but one)

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I lucked into not having to worry about my height by also being virtually aromantic lmao

    That said I have no problem keeping friends once I make them so if I ever stumble into a relationship it’ll probably be fine too

  • Drive-by
    7 days ago

    Not a short dude, but I’m generally initially attracted to them more than tall dudes. I find them more aesthetically pleasing.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 days ago

    As someone that had the unique experience of gaining over 7.5cm or 3 inches in height after becoming an adult thanks to a surgery that “fixed” a spinal deformity, I have to say that I got treated noticeably better by strangers after getting taller, women and men. It’s like I automatically got treated with more respect. And it was an immediate thing too, while I was still recovering from surgery, underweight and walking like I had a board stapled to my back. Once I recovered further and gained weight and mobility, I got treated even better. And it wasn’t as if I was short before either, I went from around 177cm/178cm to 185cm barefoot, or 5’10 to 6’1 in imperial measurements.

    So yes, at least in my experience, society is as shallow as you think, in fact it ended up being more shallow than I ever thought. Which is why I’ve found the whole thing surprising. I never expected to just get treated better because I got taller, that was never one of my issues or concerns. I wasn’t completely naive, I knew that I would get treated better by society if I didn’t have a visible spinal deformity thanks to all the bullying and unwanted comments I recieved on it, but I never expected height to play such a large role. It really changed my view on this, I always thought shorter people were exaggerating about stuff like this. Though the worst I’ve ever been treated in public is when I had to use mobility aids and my spinal deformity was visible no matter how baggy my clothes were. I got so many stares that could give you nightmares.

    As for dating, I’ve always struggled with that, I’m bisexual and don’t really gel well with the heterosexual dating dynamic, traditional gender roles, etc. I never really dated that much before the surgery. I got a lot of unwanted comments about my posture from girls and women though. I do find that I get more attention now, but height is only a part of that. Not having a visible spinal deformity and being a healthy weight also plays a big role. But yes, height does play a part, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t. But for me the big difference hasn’t been in dating or attraction, but how people treat you in general.

    Overall people are shallow, it’s not great but it is what it is and I can’t see that changing.

    7 days ago

    Nah. I’ve never had any trouble dating due to my height, it’s always been my abhorrent personality that keeps people away.

  • hollowmines [he/him]
    7 days ago

    It is a real thing in dating sites and whatnot that many ppl won’t date below a stated height threshold, in that sense it does literally add difficulty. I have been told “x would never date you, you’re too short” on a couple occasions and some other weird remarks over the years. but generally people who are going to filter potential partners by height are generally to be avoided anyway imo

  • Ishmael [he/him]
    7 days ago

    When I was a teenager, I literally had girls literally tell me they liked me but that I was too short, or they’d date me if I was taller. It bothered me a lot but I didn’t get weird and bitter about it or anything. The average height of a woman in the US is 5’4" so I was still able to find plenty of partners shorter than me or the same height or even a little taller, and the older I get the less it matters. I just always think of Prince who was 5’2" and just about the sexiest human alive. The hardest part is not internalizing American society’s standards.

  • SevenSkalls [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I’ve 100% been rejected because of my height and I’ve seen how many women just swoon at my taller friends just for being tall. It’s definitely a factor. Not the only factor, but i feel like ignoring it as an incel lie is as ignorant as saying an attractive face isn’t a big deal when it’s kind of obvious on its face that it is a major advantage when dating. You’re not hopeless without one, but with one, you’ll find life is certainly easier.

    7 days ago

    I’ve never had any problems and I’m barely 5’6".

    I was not out trying to date supermodels but not everyone is so shallow that they have to date someone taller than them.