booty [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • It just comes down to the fact that reading is active and listening is passive. If you’re reading a book, the book proceeds at precisely the pace of your understanding. If you have to read a sentence five times to understand it, then you do, and nothing provides any pressure on you because you’re the one in control. If you’re listening to an audiobook and you don’t understand a sentence or lose focus or whatever, it just keeps on plowing ahead. And while it is possible to rewind and listen again, it just can’t possibly deliver information as effectively as reading.

  • I just looked up the elephant vs mouse segment. The way the elephants reacted, I kinda feel like they’re being cautious because they recognize a harmless lil animal and don’t want to step on it. Like they behave pretty much exactly how I do when I see a little spider or frog or cricket or something. like “whoa there buddy, you dont wanna be under my feet”

  • Well, books 1 and 2 were very different and didn’t really contain anything that could be considered remotely similar twists IMO. But there are a ton of prequels and sequels and stuff made after the original trilogy that I’m probably not gonna read and that as far as I know Asimov kinda didn’t intend to write, so it sounds entirely likely that some of those were phoned in lol

  • I’ve been reading through Asimov’s Foundation series. I found the first book quite dull and the premise kind of difficult to buy, and a little too ‘great man of history’-y. The second was much better though, and actually featured a female character. How progressive!

    I remember reading The Caves of Steel a long while back and I liked it a lot, so I was overall slightly disappointed here. But if the trend in quality continues in this way then the third book ought to be pretty good.

  • Oh yeah definitely, more subtle food theft is no problem for the most part. Especially keeping in mind the thing you quoted about detention. Legally, nobody is allowed to keep you from leaving a store except, like, literally a cop if there happens to be one around. I’ve never intentionally shoplifted and I still just walk past receipt/bag checkers. Usually they don’t even bother saying anything, if they do I just say “no thanks” and keep walking. It’s my shit, not theirs, they got no right to rifle through it. And they can’t prove that the same doesn’t apply to you, unless you give them permission