What groups are eligible for mass sacrifice to defend “democracy”?
I don’t think they’ll get it. They’ve been quouting that stupid fucking Neimoller poem for decades, they put it on the Holocaust musem, and they absolutely do not fucking get it at all.
The version of that Niemoller poem they put on the Holocaust museum removes the first line which is just the perfect encapsulation of not getting it at all
It’s grotesque that they did that. Dear liberals, if you feel compelled to put a political spin on holocaust remembrance, you are doing The Bad Thing and you should go sit in a dark corner and feel bad about it until we tell you to come out.
First they came for the Palestinians and I said VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!
First they came for the Palestinians and I shrugged and said, “what’re you gonna do, folks just really seem to have it out for them.”
what ethnic groups are exempt from this bargain?
This part of your post reminds me of my most upbeared post. Jesus fucking Christ.
It’s not just ethnic groups. Queer people, homeless people, disabled people, and so on will be enthusiastically thrown under the bus by these absolute freaks if they think something can be gained from doing so.
The cat is out of the bag.
Scotus just made it legal to punish people for being homeless. I expect to see massive escalations - mass slavery, concentration camps, probably some degree of organized killing, within a few years.
It’s socialism or barbarism, and they have chosen barbarism.
I have maybe 30 years left to live at best, and I fully expect to see climate refugees being machinegunned at EU borders before I kick the bucket. You guys over there in the US will probably see the same on your southern border.
And the “adults in the room” liberals will be on TV and in newspapers going on about how it’s “not ideal but we have no other options”.
We’ve already got a governor booby trapping the Rio Grande like he’s auditioning for the next Saw movie.
Right on time for the Bell Riots. SCOTUS has no sense of irony.
think a bunch of people mightve gotten the memo early :(
i think they hurt themselves too :/
My greatest hope is that I live to see the day when America has fallen to such an extent that anothet country can enforce upon the White Liberal the conditions the White liberal has imposed upon the world.
Let’s hope they do better for all our sake.
The year is 2070, Latin American tourists go to American to see quaint gasoline powered cars from the 2020s that Americans have to drive because of Cuban sanctions against the US.
All is well in the world.
We are due for a century of humiliation
My greatest hope is that nobody can enact such suffering upon others, and that nobody should feel they must.
I get what you mean, but at the same time this is like jumping someone from behind, beating them while they’re down, and then as they get back up for a swing going “woah woah can’t we all just get along?”
I thought we were saying what we hoped for, not what we expect or find just?
The people I hope to see drawn and quartered are the bourgeoisie. I prefer that working class liberals be reeducated.
Look, I get the hope, but nah. After four hundred years of unbroken bullshit perpetuated against my people, you’re smoking rocks if you think getback in blood isn’t mandatory.
I’m black and trans; it’s not like my people dont have grievances too.
to such an extent that another country can enforce upon the White Liberal the conditions the White liberal has imposed upon the world.
Shit I hope it’s Black and Indigenous folk enforcing those conditions on the Anglo. Fuck another country, let us get ours in first; then everyone else can have their shots.
Looking forward to The Washington Trials setting world records for number of executed fascists and colloquially replacing the The Nuremberg Trials.
Telling Americans that voting for Biden counts as an endorsement of genocide and then getting a wall of text back and getting to reply thst whatever they said doesn’t change that fact has been…sad. But I will remember their names and what they said.
The US has always been a genocidal fascist apartheid state. You’ve never once been able to not vote for genocide
This country is a mass grave and fresh bodies are being dumped inside every moment.
if they were capable of self reflection they wouldn’t be liberals
Death to America
“I can excuse genocide”
I mean Biden’s pitch has always carried the implicit promise not to do anything about the systemic extrajudicial executions of black people, so
Nothing will fundamentally change
This is exactly the line to use - whatever they accept happening to Palestinians today, they’ll accept happening to trans people tomorrow.
They’ll tell you, it’s American citizens. International lives don’t matter in the slightest.
but only the hwite ones and even then they better have money
no, but, you see, Trump™ would do even more genocide[citation needed] so we have to vote for the lesser of two genocides instead of trying to stop it
The line is drawn wherever they are. It is a lot easier to engage in lesser evilism when the lesser evil doesn’t directly affect you.
This election it’s “sure what is happening to Palestinians is bad, but Biden is better on all these other issues” Next election it will be “sure what is happening to trans people is bad, but X is better on all these other issues”