“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || https://readsettlers.org || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

  • 7 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • You pander to liberal ignorance in ways that will never lead them to the facts. “Letting them have their say” is actively enslaving and profiteering off of carceral chattel, you absolute fucking spin doctor. I feel like I’ve argued with you before on matters you had no fucking room to opine on, while book-worshipping the whole way-- which my undying and perennial response to is that if you apply rote book knowledge from one specific set of material conditions to another situation whose material conditions do not 1:1 match, you are committing book worship. THIS IS A FORM OF LIBERALISM.

    EDIT: Oh my god, I have had this go-round with you before. Don’t bother responding further; you’re still the same old cracker with shit takes on the colonized and enslaved. I’m not doin this with you. Why they even let you still breathe here is beyond me; but they also allowed TheAnonymouseJoker and davel for good long runs, so maybe they just lenient.

    The more I keep thinking about this, the funnier it gets, y’know-- it amazes me how any other time your shit takes on the colonized get addressed, you never have the time for it; but oooooh let someone talk mess about crackers, liberals, or the intersection of liberal crackers. Then you got all the time in the world to come play paternal.

  • I’m going to phrase this as politely as I can to you, with respect to knowing you and your history on this site: Fuck that, you don’t deserve my respect: if all you’ve got is paternalistic optics games and tone policing, then please shut the fuck up. I do not play optics games. I do not respect tone police. Optics games will not save anybody, will not push policy, will not do ANYTHING MORE than legitimize the propriety-poisoned society we’re forced to toil under.

    The FACT OF THE MATTER IS every body, Black, brown, or otherwise, that gets funneled through the Department of Corrections pipeline is turned into a slave. By Amerikans. The FACT OF THE MATTER IS that every Amerikan that fails to fight this, that plays these cute little semantics games to make the crackers feel like they’re not complicit, that bears plantation water, is JUST AS COMPLICIT in the slavery that never ended in this country.

    As far as I’m concerned, this is a davel-tier comment.