• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • You should not rinse chicken (or meat) in the sink, it’s a) useless if you cook them properly (as in, not eat them raw), because that will kill the bacteria and b) potentially harmful because you’ll splash around the bacteria on your sink/utensils etc where they will remain dangerous since they won’t be cooked.

    idk what the original commenter meant, maybe he missed a negation and wanted to say that white people rinse their meats when they dont have to? because that makes more sense to me

  • The math involved in LLMs is not complex for anyone that has passed undergrad Calc and Linear Algebra classes. If you know derivatives, the chain rule and some matrix basics you can figure them out with enough studying.

    The hard part about LLMs is not the math but the neural net architecture innovations they brought (eg self-attention)

  • To continue this discussion, we should first define porn. What I mean with porn is content that is mostly made as wank material for others, which is what everyone is referring to when talking about the dangers of porn. This excludes two things that you mention: home movies for personal use and “artistic” content. What is artistic and what isn’t is another lengthy discussion, but can we agree that the majority of content in pornhub and similar sites is not made with artistic value as its primary goal?

    This type of porn is mostly harmful and I’ve already mentioned some of the reasons. There can be individual pieces of porn content that are okay, but their consumption can still have a detrimental effect.

    I called you smug because I made the simple case of nofap =/= noporn, said nofap is bs, and you still said that i’m just “scared of wanking”. Same with the other commenter that said how he’s better after quitting porn and instead of engaging with the comment you reply a childish “have a quick wank”, as if he’s stopped doing that.

  • First of all, cut it with the smug attitude. Or are you mad because I said that something you’ve done is harmful? Whatever you say, it ultimately is.

    Of course when speaking about porn we’re going to talk to the porn industry, because that’s the relevant part. Just like when vegans talk about meat, they’re referencing the huge animal product industries and not the guy fishing every couple of parts. Or when leftists talk about capitalism, they are talking about the huge amount of capital, how it shapes public policy, how it causes imperialism etc, and not about the friendly neighborhood baker that employs three people.

    Even if you make “good” or “wholesome” porn, it’s going to end up in the huge porn industry sites, which are the cause of most of porn’s harms (rapid switching of images/videos, hardcore and fetishistic content mixed with more vanilla stuff, to mention some).