christiansocialist [none/use name]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Idk may just be my personal experience but I’ve never heard anyone irl say anything close to as weird about geopolitical stuff or communism as I’ve seen from liberals since federation.

    Back when the SMO started in early 2022, I was hanging out with some ppl IRL and one of them just blatantly said “they should just take him [Putin] out” (as in assassinate him). And this was at a milquetoast event where geopolitics wasn’t even the reason we were there (it was a trivia night). So yeah even irl normies have some pretty warped views. Another guy I know just blatantly repeated the “China is buying up all the farmland in the US” nonsense…

  • This isn’t, and I’m not endorsing, a doomerist position for communists in the imperial core. A better world is possible, and we should do what we can to defend our comrades at home from rising fascism and support our comrades abroad on the periphery.

    With regards to this, I literally was talking to a woman the other day who readily admitted things like: how behind every successful man there are countless women who do unpaid emotional labor, how companies are taking in too much in profit for no reason, how companies will cynically shield themselves from criticism by appointing a POC ceo, etc. etc. She even said that workers should get a share in the profits of the company. I jokingly responded that her idea sounded kind of like socialism, and she immediately replied, “no it’s not socialism, I believe in capitalism, just not with so many excesses.” And this is a black woman who fully understands intersectionality, the problem of corporations, etc. So I’m a little doomer not just online, but IRL as well…