TossedAccount [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2020

  • What kind of social-chauvinist loser highly ranks the opportunists (e.g. Vaush, Cody, Natalie) who went full popular-frontist, critically endorsing Biden and tarring independent socialist supporters with the same ultraleft brush as the strict electoral abstentionists (while still putting the anarchist Thought Slime in a mid-high tier)?

    Who puts women with much better politics (e.g. Mexie, and Lily Orchard to a lesser extent) in bottom tiers with Peter Coffin?

    What the fuck is Jreg doing here at all when he’s the Political Compass subreddit in YouTuber form and known magnet for fascist recruiters?

  • Probably because she’s a lot younger and still has plenty of time for her politics to get much worse.

    But yeah, Bernie deserves more criticism for many of the same reasons. Both are Dem entryists presenting themselves as “democratic socialists” when the limits of their imaginations are somewhere in the neighborhood of FDR New Deal liberalism and the right wing of social democracy. Bernie deserves even more shit than AOC does for promoting a sort of US-American social imperialism, consistently supporting the growth of the military-industrial complex.

  • AOC undermines the socialist movement by encouraging would-be socialists to vote for and therefore compromise with Democrats, which is class-collaborationist because the Democrats are a 100% bourgeois-controlled party with no mass membership or internal democracy. Her and Bernie’s entryism has allowed us to draw important conclusions about the Democrats being ghoulish libs at their core, but this entryism was an avoidable mistake. We should have already learned this lesson from the Jesse Jackson campaign in 1988 that eventually turned Black and Rainbow Coalition Dem-entryists (some with even Maoist and Black Panther backgrounds!) into Obama-supporting liberals and Democrats. Even Angela Davis critically endorsed Biden!

    If AOC and The Squad remain in the Democratic Party, they will follow the same trajectory and repeatedly betray their working class supporters, misleading the masses into thinking they can have any consistent or meaningful control over Democratic Party policy the whole time.