Ukraine followed the agreement and disarmed itself, Russia did not and actually armed up, you skipped that part…
Nothing in the Budapest Memorandum forced Russia to disarm itself.
Russia was also forbidden to continue military actions and they did anyway. (This included the illegal occupation of Crimea, followed by a falsified gun-point referendum. By doing this, Russia completely disregarded its obligations to respect Ukrainian borders and independence).
Such actions were undertaken after US sanctioned Belarus in 2013 in violation of the agreement thus it was already by that point, null and void in its entirety.
It depends? One can argue? Do you want to commit here or just dance around the point
If you want my opinion, the 2014 coup made all previous agreements null and void. I mean the coup happened because snipers part of the maidan movement shot their own protestors as a false flag resulting in Yanukovych’s regime’s downfall.
The spirit of the agreement? What the fuck are you talking about… They broke the agreement thousands of times.
According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense…
Nonetheless, no Russian actions ever broken the spirit of the agreement. Minsk II was supposed to bring peace to Ukraine by providing more autonomy to regions with large ethnic minority populations, ceasefire violations committed by both sides does not violate the spirit of the agreement.
The entire agreement was Ukraine allows local elections, Russia withdraws then everyone’s happy. Russia can’t do its part if Ukraine doesn’t.
Fuck you, fuck off and fuck Russia.
Again, rude.
Atleast it ain’t bad as X, first thing you see is Holocaust denialism, yikes.