• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Hooray for less anxiety fog! =D

    The comments you get sound frustrating ='(

    The instance I linked is not mine at all, I’m just sharing in case someone was looking for something like that, but I don’t know the admin and I don’t understand what the communities hosted there so far are supposed to be for. And frankly it might be the instance that’s set up wrong because I struggled hard to see posts there from the lemmy instance I’m logged into…

  • The roundup! I knew I was forgetting something yesterday =D

    Yes, I’m still juggling way too many plates at once compared to the spoons I have. Meh. That being said, Finish What You Started began yesterday, so I exhumed an old and dusty WIP to work on. It’s Star Wars, reader insert, and it was supposed to be PWP but uh… OK I’m nailing the “no plot” but when you get over a certain amount of angst and psychological analysis it doesn’t exactly make the transition to smut easy either x’) Time will tell if I manage…

    Also earlier this week I had a stupid doctor appointment to renew meds that should be renewed automatically if things made sense, but my point is: waiting room. Doctors’ waiting rooms are a space out of reality where I find myself reading books even though I’ve been basically unable to for years. So I’ve read Straight by Chuck Tingle. It’s not the kind of book that’ll spawn fandomy things for me, but if you like horror (or even if you’re not particularly interested in horror but are not repulsed either) I warmly recommend it =)

  • Well, maybe this event would be more to your taste then, given it’s a low engagement, “do what you can when you can” event ^^ There’s no sign-up, no objective set in stone, it’s really more of a way for people to cheer on each other for a common goal of finishing stuff. Some people do word sprints, some ask for an accountability buddy, some post todo lists… but also some just hang out and clap when someone finishes something. The admin makes posts with tips and/or motivation stuff. It’s very chill unless you personally asked for it not to be =)

    Good to know you had a nice weekend ♥

  • Heck yeah congrats for Femslash Feb!

    I finally managed to catch up to my fic reading subscriptions, yay me! Also I’m still doing the daily microfics, which is nice. And apparently this month my brain decided I had two modes: writing utter depression and writing crack Oo" It’s an interesting stretch x’)

    I’d like to do something for the first anniversary of the last game in my fandom (that’s February 27th) but I have absolutely zero idea… In the meantime I guess I’ll just go on working on whatever /shrugs/

  • Urg, this end of 2023/beginning of 2024 really was harsh to everyone, uh? I hope life gets better for you!

    It’s super impressive that you still managed to create! Congrats on the breakthrough for the comic, and congrats on pioneering fandoms! I never wrote a first for a fandom but I regularly write the first fic for a relationship tag and there’s a nice feeling to it for me? Something like “maybe this will inspire others, and I like when creativity spreads”? So I imagine that opening a fandom must feel exciting!

    I hope you can find the right challenge for you! Given what you’re saying, the fanprompts could fit, but if they don’t I’ll keep an eye out for low energy challenges!

    I’m a NaNoWriMo veteran, I’ve punched perfection and sanity in the face x’) (Seriously, finding my lamp hilarious because of how much I had written in one sitting was an experience I will never forget xD) Thank you for the encouragements, it’s appreciated ♥

  • I’ve not written a lot of them, but I did do that occasionally, and it’s nice to make specific people happy =) For me it’s a bit like filling prompts in kinkmemes: ideas I wouldn’t have written on my own, targeted at a specific person… except when I gift a fic to someone it’s a surprise which also means it’s someone I know enough to know their tastes without needing a prompt, so it’s a bit more personal.

    I never received giftfic, but I would be happy to!

  • I really should have refused this challenge because it was a very bad week for it x’) I had my first actual vacation since July so I just dropped everything… but it lasted only three days and I spent the rest of the week dealing very badly with the fact I wanted more vacation. I thought of working on this fic every day (except maybe Monday) but by Saturday evening I had decided I would fail anyway so if I could at least not give a fuck instead of making myself feel even worse that would be great thank you.

    So no. I didn’t even open that fucking file. I want to scream at people about the whole vacation thing. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything about this fic in the coming weeks honestly.

  • That’s a fic about the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, right? I was a big fan, it’s the first manga I bought in its entirety ♥ (I watched the anime that aired on TV, which means only card games and, of course, at least one missing arc because airing things in order is below TV, it’s in my “one day” projects to find it and watch what I missed lol). The other Yu-Gi-Oh! … things? series? seasons? how do you even call the GX and co? anyway, I didn’t follow these at all except a tiny bit of Zexal because a friend is a fan so I heard of it.

  • File is currently 797 words long. It’s supposed to be a short PWP and skimming through it, it looks like I managed to squeeze the buildup in 800 words instead of my usual 1k+ x’D So I’d expect uh… I don’t know, how do people even guess at how long their stories are going to be? I suppose around 2k more? (no I won’t write 2k straight of smut, but I set up emotional stuff so it’ll probably be more than smut) But frankly I have no idea and I hope this will not turn into one of these “hey you thought it’d be short but now I’m 5 times your usual length for “short”, have fun” monstrosity x’)

    (No, seriously, how do people estimate the length of their works before being close to finishing them? Genuine question.)