Hello everyone =) Hope you’re doing well? Anything you want to share about your writing? Your drawing? Maybe something you’ve read since the last round-up? Any plan for this weekend?

(For Federation Science, I’ll post my answers below with my mastodon account ^^)

  • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    The holidays have sure been busy! I finished a giftfic for someone who failed to get into a fandom Secret Santa and was disappointed they wouldn’t have had time to anyway. Writing something for another has always made me happy… though with as few things which scratch my itch out there I can’t do it all the time. I’m the only one writing some things I want to read.

    Despite that, I did enter a rarepair exchange. Looking at the requests, I’m not sure I will get paired up with anyone. My choices might be a little too rare for this exchange. XD

    I am also taking part in a different rarepair event, but this time it’s a minibang. I’m looking forward to whichever artist it is who picks my concept as the one they want to draw.

    Other than that, I’ve been writing the same story I’ve been writing for a year and a half. Getting closer to Duelist Kingdom. I’m not sure I’ll be working on it too much this weekend though. Still thinking about it!

    • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      10 months ago

      Wow, lots of projects! That’s impressive ♥

      I’ve written gift fics, I’ve written for prompts, but I never participated in an exchange or a bang, it looks so intimidating, I’d be terrified of not managing to keep to the deadlines… So double the impressive!

      And ONE YEAR AND A HALF??? Forget triple the impressive, gimme the full bucket of impressive right away, holy crab this is dedication O_O

      • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
        10 months ago

        It’s my first bang! I’d be more intimidated in a reverse bang, but considering I get to go first it isn’t so bad. I can only hope someone will want to draw for it! If not, well… at least I’ll still have written a story.

        More impressive is that I haven’t missed a single update in all that time! At least one chapter a week. I’m pretty pleased with myself about it too. :)

        Most rewrites of the source material are either about the anime (not the manga) Even if they are, they often include most focus on OCs (which is fine, but I’m not as interested with those as main characters in rewrites) or the intent for the fic is primarily for shipping. Mine was how I wanted to show how the characters were actually friends. That they are as supportive to each other as everyone says they are. Not just a couple members of the group. It’s a very fulfilling project for me because of that.

        • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
          10 months ago

          … you’re making me want to read that fic x’)

          (And yeah, constant schedule is badass! Super impressive! Congrats ♥)

          • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
            10 months ago

            Thank you!

            I’ve written it so people who don’t know the source material can hopefully follow along. And every chapter has me comparing and contrasting things with the source material. XD People appear to enjoy my ranting about the manga, but I’ve put it all in spoiler notes in the end notes section so people can skip it if they are uninterested too.

            • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
              10 months ago

              That’s a fic about the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, right? I was a big fan, it’s the first manga I bought in its entirety ♥ (I watched the anime that aired on TV, which means only card games and, of course, at least one missing arc because airing things in order is below TV, it’s in my “one day” projects to find it and watch what I missed lol). The other Yu-Gi-Oh! … things? series? seasons? how do you even call the GX and co? anyway, I didn’t follow these at all except a tiny bit of Zexal because a friend is a fan so I heard of it.

              • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
                10 months ago

                Indeed it is! I love the manga. I have a soft spot for parts of the anime as well, as that is how I was introduced to it. I even watched the Toei anime a few years back which was… sure something. XD But both anime are of a different sort from the manga. I occasionally acknowledge things from the anime, but my fic is my twist on the manga. I did not agree with certain changes or additions the anime made to “explain things”.

                I’ve only watched the GX series after myself. I love GX. It is something special. Even if I can’t believe in a world where Kaiba would make a school for card games. (I think it is separated by the different series, and then each series has X number of seasons.) But Judai is his own protagonist and despite the storytelling pitfalls, there is lots of fun to be had!

                Even if I might have fastforwarded through the duels. The duels don’t interest me most of the time. Weird how I’m into YGO when I’m not as into the card game.

                • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
                  10 months ago

                  To be honest the card game is clearly not what’s of interest to me either ^^ I love how angsty some characters are… x’) Sometimes I’m really predictable… ='D

  • borzoiteeth@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    A story I thought I was almost finished with to post I realised in it’s editing/tweaking over the months has strayed from it’s original goal. Not a bad thing, but I do need to rewrite and edit how I approach the story because it involves a subject that is deeply misunderstood in both fiction and reality and I don’t want to be another one of those to add to the pile.

    Sorry your mastodon experiment didn’t go well! I noticed my account on kbin can sometimes show up on mastodon. I’d say a long going to understanding it but from what you stated in another comment even the people who run these sites aren’t sure how to apply it either!

    • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      10 months ago

      Good luck with the editweaking! Hope you can make this story closer to what you want to create ♥

      Mastodon experiment is what it is. We’re all learning and the platforms are constantly evolving, so I’m confident things will get better with time =)

      • borzoiteeth@kbin.social
        9 months ago

        Thank you! The result it ended up being isn’t bad, just have to tweak a few things so beginning and ending echo each other as they should. I have a lot of other ideas that hit the original goal that I wanted so I’ll have many more chances to tackle the original idea right later aaaa

        Oh yeah! It will get better~

  • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
    10 months ago

    (Science reporting in: it doesn’t work. This is what I wrote on mastodon:

    Science team reporting in! (No fandom in this post, sorry.)

    I’m following this magazine from my mastodon account. When I look up the magazine profile, it shows that I’m following, but it doesn’t appear in my follow list. The posts don’t make it to my home feed.

    A kbin post is displayed on mastodon as its title and a link to the full post (on the instance of the poster, not the instance hosting the community). No picture is included (I tested with other posts ^^).

    An answer to a post is fully displayed, though. But it doesn’t show before you’ve searched for it by specific URL, which doesn’t display more than a link. Yeah it’s confusing. I’m confused.

    I can answer from mastodon once I’ve dug up the post, though.

    And… yeah I can answer alright, except said answer is only visible on mastodon, not here (I even tried searching by URL, I can’t see it at all). Someone mentioned it might be an incompatibility with the authorized fetch setting on mastodon, but I just have no clue.

    Science team, out.)

    • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Yeah, I’m not always getting an alert from here either. And I’m running the place! I had to check the magazine myself, because nothing told me this had been posted and I was going to post a roundup thread. I still don’t get how this all works. I should look into it more, but it sure it taking a lot of spoons. (°ー°〃)

      • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
        10 months ago

        I discussed it on mastodon with someone a bit more experienced with kbin than I am, and apparently it’s a known problem that mastodon and kbin/lemmy do not play well together yet, but people hope that it’ll get better because kbin and lemmy are still young compared to mastodon so of course they have less working features.

        They fact that different instances of kbin and/or lemmy are also having a hard time synchronizing posts is still puzzling though. I know sometimes I need to comment on a post I make to have it appear on kbin, but I don’t know why these posts and why it works…

  • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
    10 months ago

    Alright, Science will happen later… /glares at Sciency bits/

    So! Since the last round-up, I reached my wordcount goal =) It’s not entirely posted yet because I did something I usually never do… I wrote a Christmas fic. So I’m waiting a bit before posting. Though… Take “Christmas fic” with a full shaker of salt. I only did this because my current fandom has not one but two (2) characters with good reasons to have heavy PTSD about Christmas, so I couldn’t resist the opportunity for tasty angst ='D

    I have another fic I began before suddenly switching to the Christmas project, so I’d like to work more on that.

    I think that’s all for me =)

    • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      10 months ago

      PS: and I totally forgot about the fic I was supposed to finish for mid-January xD It’s not too late yet but if that keeps happening it’ll win one more year in the to-write pile x’D

      • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
        10 months ago

        I should keep poking you about this fic! With as much as it is on your mind, it will be such an accomplishment when you’ve finished. I hereby decree you should at least look at it sometime this week and figure out a plan for getting it done!

        That is, if you want me to poke you about it. If not, that’s totally fine.

        • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
          10 months ago

          I’m fine with poking, and that would probably be needed eventually given how much my brain is pretending this fic is not a thing x’D

          I’ll thus try to remember I need to work on it o7

          • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
            10 months ago

            Sounds good! I will be checking in with you next weekend to make sure you have started focusing on the fic. Be prepared, as next weekend I’ll probably be after you to get a certain amount of words done! (Though I’ll need to know about how long you think it’s going to be.)

            • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
              10 months ago

              File is currently 797 words long. It’s supposed to be a short PWP and skimming through it, it looks like I managed to squeeze the buildup in 800 words instead of my usual 1k+ x’D So I’d expect uh… I don’t know, how do people even guess at how long their stories are going to be? I suppose around 2k more? (no I won’t write 2k straight of smut, but I set up emotional stuff so it’ll probably be more than smut) But frankly I have no idea and I hope this will not turn into one of these “hey you thought it’d be short but now I’m 5 times your usual length for “short”, have fun” monstrosity x’)

              (No, seriously, how do people estimate the length of their works before being close to finishing them? Genuine question.)

              • a_mac_and_con@kbin.social
                10 months ago

                I have no idea. I never know how long anything is going to be. I’m used to asking people about it because somehow I’m around a lot of people who estimate their stories all the time. However, I have gone into projects knowing it has to be a minimum of X words. In which case, I can at least plan out my time for those.

                If you want something around 2k more (or think that should be good enough to get it done, I can give you an assignment of 1k words a week. It would get you done with enough time to do whatever editing you want before sending it!

                So by New Years Eve, I expect to hear that you are about 1.8k words in!

                • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
                  10 months ago

                  I physically cannot edit lol (not even joking, my brain empties entirely if I try editing, I just can’t), I just need time to spellcheck =')

                  Uh oh. This is getting serious. Welp, guess I’ll have to work on that then…