• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Uhhhhh… hey Biden

    Heh heh heh heh… what?

    Uhhhhhhh… Hunter’s in jail

    Heh heh hey screw you heh heh not funny!

    Uhhhhhhhh yeah, it is

    Heh heh shut up Trump

    Huuh huuh hey Biden huuh huuh you had sex huuhuuh Hunter is your son huuhuuhuuh

    Heh heh yeah! Heh heh heh SEX heh heh heh SEX SEX SEX SEX hehhehhehhehheh

  • Slightly related, the other day I was outside when a group of four helicopters flew over, likely doing some sort of money-wasting bullshit training for the somewhat nearby national guard base. Happens frequently. They’re so goddamn fucking loud though that I stopped what I was doing and just sat there staring up with my head bent all the way back. While I was staring, just kinda thinking like “wow… look at this shit humans do…” my brain slipped over into “the sunken place” or whatever of thoughts. Probably brought on from 9 months of straight horror we’ve all been seeing from Gaza. I see the helis, hear their sounds, and it’s not far to “what if these were trying to kill me… or just kill all people outdoors in my neighborhood including me.” Shit made me do one of those shakes like when you get a chill to break myself out of that image that was forming in my mind of the US army choppers just flying over US cities and leveling everything and everyone in their paths… seems less far fetched by the day

  • Bowman’s district was also just redistricted bringing in a ton of new wealthier, more likely to vote constituents which, just my assumption, was the actual thing that caused him to lose. AIPAC’s money obviously didn’t help. And it’s basically no secret that they went balls to the wall on this guy who was already in a precarious primary (due to redistricting which was probably done specifically to NOT have a more left voice there ever again- Bowman or not) to flex their financial backing, get a nearly-guaranteed “win”, and make everyone else think twice about even slightly standing against Israel support

  • It’s actually (hilariously) up to more than just Genocide Joey.

    That’s right, Jack. She didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree yesterday!

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

    So the wording is super long winded (holy fuck this is why lawyers shouldn’t exist or be in power) but it seems per the 25th amendment Kamala could, with agreement from Biden’s cabinet, assume the presidency. If Joe doesn’t contest it, she would just stay. If Joe did contest it, it would go to congress to decide if the president (Joe) is actually fit to be president. The wording also seems to indicate the acting-president, formerly the VP, would remain acting-president during the decision time allowed to congress.

    It would require 2/3 majority vote in both houses to finalize the ousting if it came to that- which would be interesting to see because it’s almost like a legalized coup at that point. If you assume all the Rs just want chaos and to vote against Biden (not a safe assumption, but just assuming for now) it would need like 50 or something dems in the house and like 16 or 17 (too lazy to look up the actual numbers each party holds right now) dems in the senate to vote to kick him/keep Kamala. If republicans decide to gum shit up because they would rather Trump face Biden, not Kamala, they could just fuck the whole “coup” and cause a tiny meltdown in doing so because then it’s just “dictator Joe” (Trump owes me if he uses this) desperately clinging to power when his VP and cabinet said he needs to go.

    God I hope this happens purely for entertainment and chaos value.

  • I believe it’s called “gallows humor”

    Unfortunately it requires you to be, well… fucked. Fucked hard and aware of it.

    Actually something the guys at the ‘Bad Hasbara’ podcast have observed is the history of Jews in comedy, much of that humor resulting from sort of a self-deprecating humor style meant to disarm those who were doing harm to Jewish communities, and the total LACK of humor from Jewish Israelis, shown most clearly in their social media posts. Once the group (speaking broadly of course) went from oppressed to oppressor they lost something special that enabled them make fun of themselves and in doing so make fun of society and make fun of those doing the oppression. They still view themselves as oppressed (laughable, obviously, when the IOF can fly uncontested fighter jets anywhere in the surrounding states) but the humor doesn’t work when your people are the ones doing the ethnic based murdering and the genocide.

    Probably poorly explained there, but the gist is people coping with a total lack of power witnessing the mass oppression, including murder, of people of their similar group whether it’s a deeply held ideological conviction or something like an ethnicity or religion develop dark and twisted (from the outside perspective) humor to express the inexpressible.

    Not to be too melodramatic, etc.

  • Assange is a hero and even if you disagree, well, first I’d ask how much that sweet CIA gig pays, but second the guy was basically in prison for like 14 years now during which high ranked US officials openly joked about and seriously discussed how best to assassinate him/smuggle him into the US.

    All for publishing absolute irrefutable proof of US warcrimes.

    Is that not enough punishment for these Nazi clowns?

    Btw, someone ask Drew how libel lawsuit is going. Last I heard he’s about to be totally bankrupt for defaming the wrong person who has funds to go after him legally. What a loser.

  • “Stupid fucking mistakes…”

    All of his gaming buddies seem to be slowly abandoning him… for now anyway. They’re giving guarded responses though like “if he knew it was a minor…” If he didn’t know he would’ve fucking said that! Not that it would excuse his behavior. But he didn’t even offer that light excuse.

    His excuse here though, is literally exactly the same, basically verbatim, that you’d hear from a guy on to catch a predator.

    “I just came over to hang out. She seemed cool!”

    “Did you now she was 14?”

    “14? Uh… no I di-”

    "Quote: her: “hey, I’m 14. Hehe, hope that’s ok” you: “mmm, yeah, I’ll bring extra condoms.”

    “Am… can i go? I want to go now…”

    “Of course. You can leave anytime you want.”

    man-sized-bush tackles the guy

  • There used to be (might still be?) a reddit and a counter subreddit called like “smalldickproblems” (and bigdickproblems). The latter, I’m 99% sure, is a joke one. Unless someone has a giant tripod situation going on, I can’t really see that being an issue. And I played enough sports/spent enough time in locker rooms to know that’s not the case for the vast majority of men (👀)

    The SDP sub was insane though. TMI or whatever, my dick is probably a little on the small side for my height, which is average. I’ve never lied about my height knowingly. I’ve never pretended to have a huge cock or whatever. And I’ve also never had a sexual partner complain about either. Spoiler for younger people who may genuinely not know: your dick size doesn’t matter for the purposes of sex and pleasure from sex to… most people.

    Basically, guys: stop being weird. Or continue because it makes it super easy for non-weirdos to look good in comparison. (But seriously stop being weird guys)