• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • So, if I’m undstanding this, while making death saving throws, the player can every themselves by taking levels of exhaustion. 1 level for Bonus action or reactions, 3 levels for actions. They can move half their movement speed (while staying prone?), as well as talk, without taking additional levels.

    Additionally, you’re reworking the exhaustion rules to be -1 to all ability checks and saves per level of exhaustion, up to 10 where the PC dies.

    Then the first short rest improves exhaustion by y one level, then they have to use long rests, which improve 2 levels each.

    Sound right? I think this sound a pretty decent

  • Sounds super cool! I’m out of that phase for the moment, but when my kid was little.i used Baby Daybook. Other than the obvious FOSS benefit any other big differences in your app to make myself and other parents use yours?

    FOSS is a big plus, don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious if you feel there are any special features in yours or gaps you havnt tackled yet.

    The most beneficial feature I’m thinking you may be missing is letting two parent use the app for the same kid and have it stay in sync.

  • Huh?? You literally said “it’s still getting coverage” so I asked where it’s getting coverage and why you didn’t share that instead, and now You’re saying “I never said it was getting new coverage”

    I engaged because I hoped there was actually news on a post in World News that was interesting to me. clearly there isn’t any. Cool.