The floating water dock off the coast of Gaza does not meet the needs of our Palestinian people for food. We demand the opening of land crossings and the immediate and urgent entry of aid and goods through them.

The U.S. administration is trying to beautify its ugly face and appear civilized by establishing a floating water dock off the coast of Gaza City, claiming its purpose is to deliver humanitarian aid and food to our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who are subjected to policies of starvation, forced displacement, and genocide carried out by the “israeli” occupation army with active participation, full involvement, and real endorsement from the U.S. administration.

Since the start of this genocidal war, the U.S. has continued to supply the occupation with over 200,000 rockets and bombs, some carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives, used by the occupation to annihilate entire residential neighborhoods. This has resulted in over 35,000 martyrs, more than 79,000 wounded, and 10,000 missing.

We question the intentions of the U.S. administration, which is managing and perpetuating the genocide war, forming a protective wall for the “israeli” occupation, and continuing its absolute support for the war against civilians.

The U.S. administration has opposed the cessation of this war against civilians, children, and women, against the housing sector, infrastructure, and humanitarian services sectors in the [United Nations] Security Council multiple times. Additionally, it has not exerted real pressure on the occupation to open the crossings and allow aid to enter, but has instead been an obstacle to any solutions for the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. The floating water dock does not meet the food needs of our Palestinian people.

Amidst the policy of starving 2.4 million people in the Gaza Strip, including 2 million displaced persons who live on daily aid and require more than seven million meals daily, what it will provide will not break the famine or cover this immense need for our people in the Gaza Strip. Instead, it will give the occupation a chance to prolong this war that has consumed everything.

We demand the immediate and urgent opening of the land crossings and the entry of various aids and fuel through them. We also express our deep astonishment at the introduction of patchwork and partial solutions, circumventing real solutions to the deep humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip that continues to affect civilians with all harshness.


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reaffirms: The Floating Port is a source of concern and warns of underlying plans, asserting that the presence of U.S. and other forces is an occupation force.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine reiterates its concern about the establishment of a floating port by the U.S. administration on the coasts of the Gaza Strip, warning of the risks of using it to implement other objectives and plans such as displacement or protecting the occupation rather than transporting aid.

The Front also warns any Palestinian, Arab, or international parties against aligning with the U.S. administration or working at this port, emphasizing the need to open all crossings in the Gaza Strip, including the Rafah land crossing, as an alternative to this port to ensure the flow of aid into the Strip without restrictions or conditions.

The Front stresses that the Rafah land crossing is a purely Palestinian-Egyptian sovereign crossing and that its management mechanism is determined by the Palestinian side in agreement with the Egyptian side, away from the control or intervention of the occupation.

The Front reaffirms its position against any U.S., Zionist, or any foreign presence in the Gaza Strip, whether at the Rafah crossing or any place on the land or coasts of the Strip, asserting that it and the resistance will continue to treat these forces as an occupying force.