• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Ah I see they danced around the time Mao sent the volunteer army to fight the imperialist Americans and their fascist Korean puppets beating them back and eventually forcing the stalemate we know today.

    Seems like for the Chinese, who had just emerged from a brutal civil war that lasted a long fucking time, forcing the world’s superpower with a military and industrial base fresh out of its WWII peak… would be a point of pride for them.

    Well, it is. They made at least two films documenting the time they gave Americans an unimaginable L so big that these sensitive shitters are still coping about it in YouTube comments like 70 years later.

  • SadArtemis@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Only a complete and utter POS would spit on the WW2 contributions and experiences of China (both CPC and KMT forces) and the USSR, the two nations that suffered the greatest toll from fascist invasions. And of course the last comment there is doing the usual “at least us AmeriKKKans are honest” schtick… honestly, the arrogance of these Anglos, particularly those who have gone generations never facing the horrors of war or racism (because they were the ones perpetrating it across the entire world and the minorities/indigenous peoples in their own countries) is utterly infuriating, and I look forward to seeing it shattered and stomped upon for the next century or more.

    I genuinely hope that these chuds have a miserable end. Utter filth. And if there were a hell they deserve to join the (undoubtedly long) list.

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Ah, to have the confidence of a smug anti-communist when they talk about any sort of communist history they clearly have no idea about.

    • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      Plus, the average American moviegoer absolutely does not understand these war movies as “honest.” He experiences them as patriotic, with the “honesty” simply there to show the tough conditions our Heroes in Uniform face. Take Black Hawk Down, for example (incidentally one of the most boring things ever put to celluloid): even though it’s ostensibly an anti-war film, that very much is not the feeling you’re left with at the end.

      The only people who really experience American war movies as “honest” are professional film critics who confuse masturbatory self-flagellation for real political action.

  • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Tominus maximus… Lol, back then he wouldn’t have been a roman warrior, he would be what he is now: a nerd b****. It’s always funny that these guys always name themselves something warrior or philosopher when they would just be as weak physically and intellectually as they are now.