• GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Yes, I’ve noticed a lot of No True Scotsman fallacy as well, where dissenting voices are determined to be “not true Jews” or “antisemitic, self-hating Jews”. In December the US Congress passed a law that explicitly states anti-Zionism = antisemitism, even over the objections of many members (mostly Democrats) including Jewish member Jerry Nadler. Here’s a short video of Nadler calling the bill “either intellectually disingenuous or factually wrong” and explaining how Jews he has represented oppose Israeli policy without being antisemitic. Netanyahu has stated multiple times that anti-Zionism (in context = opposition to his policies) is the exact same thing as antisemitism.

    There is an official, governmental, international battle to standardize what Jews are allowed to think. It completely disregards the fact that Jews are like any other ethnicity in that they represent a huge spectrum of beliefs and moralities, from saints to villains and everything in between. It’s been proven time and again that judging people based on genetics or birthplace/residence only leads to injustice and suffering.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      As I said in another post, the real problem is the cohalition of closet racist supremacist that has formed around Israel, who simply support genocidal white supremacism and colonialism (and remember, Israel has been heavilly portratraying itself as a Western nation for decades, so they’re treated as “whites” at least when it comes to a conflict with those deemed non-whites such as Palestinians)

      The reaction of most of Western power elites has nothing to do with Humanism or treating people fairly (Jews or otherwise) and all to do with Racism, especially Islamophobia, so you end end up with shit like non-Jews deeming actual Jews as anti-Semite (the kind of “traitor of the race” slander that the Nazis so loved)

      I suppose that, for anyboy who hasn’t been really thinking about it and observing the theatre of Western politics with a skeptical eye, the biggest surprise is how Liberals - who have always portrayed themselves as anti-Racism - turn out to be heavy supporters of genocidal racist supremacism.