Listen, I Like Sam, Emma, Matt and all the rest. They are my daily listen, even if I sometimes disagree.

And the subreddit is mostly okay, too. A bit too liberal for me to visit that often but not bad.

And then I saw this thread. Over 1k upvotes, 600+ comments.

And absolute dogshit analysis. Just an orgy of the most CNN-tier vomit spewed over all of our screens.

Here’s the link for all to see.

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    1 year ago

    That entire thread is just mind boggling stupidity delivered in the most smarmy, falsely confident way possible. They’re even eating their own:

    1: I have some concerns about Ukraine keeping track of military aid, but I agree [that not sending it would be much worse] … I’m concerned that military aid doesn’t get into the wrong hands during / after the war.

    2: Oh, like ISIS or the Taliban? [sarcastic]

    3: How is Ukraine anything like Afghanistan? This is such a brain dead take.

    1: There are cases of us going to war and then weapons end up in the hands of bad people years later. It’s called unintended consequences / blowback.

    4: Who exactly would that be in Ukraine? From whom would the blowback be coming?

    5: Ok which groups we’re arming in Ukraine are going to take up those arms against us afterwards?

    6: How many seats in parliament does the far right have? What percentage of their government is controlled by the far right? How many members of Azov are there?

    7: This is your brain on Russian propaganda

    8: Afghanistan and Iraq are hardly comparable to Ukraine … it might be a bad idea to give a load of weapons to Afghan, where there has hardly ever been a unified sovereign governing body for the past few hundreds of years … same about a place like Iraq, where a long-term dictator has been ousted with no popular democratic system existing to replace it. Ukraine on the other hand is a democratic state that, while very corrupt, has proven to have stable institutions. The government has proven itself by allowing power to change hands peacefully through established democratic means… Ukraine had also consistent serious moves to clean itself up internally and has got the receipts to prove its progress

    That last one is my horrible favourite. Literally ever sentence is a compound of multiple things that are demonstratably false, where every half sentence contradicts their own logic in the other half of that sentence. With a healthy smattering of racism and meaningless West Wing speak of course.

    Oh, and as a bonus when people refer to US military aid in the Middle-East…

    US didn’t arm the Taliban… US def didn’t arm Al Qaeda or IS… are you mental.

    No. False. Prove it. Right here, right now.And without using media reports. Hard data.