Hillary Clinton is warning about the legality of birth control in the wake of a decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that found frozen embryos created through fertility treatments are children und…
The Alabama legislature is going to fix the issue. Probably won’t even take them that long, because banning IVF is not what anyone wanted and the law SCOAL cited was from the goddamn 1800s. No one really believes that fertilized embryos in a cooler are indistinguishable from Steve in accounting.
Then conservatives will claim this as a victory, and say that the law is doing its job to “protect life” (force pregnancy and birth on unwilling and uncompensated citizens) and that they’re so amazing at compromise and everyone should love them.
The Alabama legislature is going to fix the issue. Probably won’t even take them that long, because banning IVF is not what anyone wanted and the law SCOAL cited was from the goddamn 1800s. No one really believes that fertilized embryos in a cooler are indistinguishable from Steve in accounting.
Then conservatives will claim this as a victory, and say that the law is doing its job to “protect life” (force pregnancy and birth on unwilling and uncompensated citizens) and that they’re so amazing at compromise and everyone should love them.
Fucking Steve in accounting. Never answers the phone. I’m not even sure he’s a person.
I wonder if we can make it so as long as you freeze the scrapped out egg after your abortion it’s okay
Jokes aside, that is not how nearly any abortions work these days.
Nearly universally, abortions are medical – a pair of pills – that can be very roughly described as causing a miscarriage.
It also will not be hard at all to avoid creating any loopholes, especially when the courts are clearly on the anti-choice side.