Googling around, I’ve seen a lot of users and journos claiming they are a jewish stereotype. I struggled to even compare them to what HP did. And as a partially jew, I’m really jealous of qualities these bigots paint and the thinking process Quark put to work. He’s probably my favorite character of the whole franchise.

    8 months ago

    The antisemitism of HP books is a dumbass take on the whole thing.

    If the HP goblins are Jews, then they are a defeated people living in a backwards, isolated society, fearful of change.
    The wizards are openly mocked in the story. Do none of you really see that? They are a caricature of the British system of lords and commoners.
    Pure blood, mudblood. Ring a bell?

    The goblins as bankers in the story can be compared to Jews in medieval Europe who were forced to become merchants because they were not allowed to hold a title.
    That’s not antisemitism, it’s history.

    During the war, goblin and mixed families are shown as victims same as the Jewish and gypsy purge.
    Antisemitism? No. History.

    The epilogue shows that the wizard society remains mostly unchanged, still backwards, still isolated with only the new generation taking a step forward towards equality.
    Antisemitism? No. History.

    The only antisemitism found is the portrayal of Jews as goblins, in a fantasy series about dumb human wizards being dumb and most magical creatures being awesome.

    It’s a very tryhard theory that only holds water after Rowling said some hot take in her old age.
    And only considers people as static blocks of stone unable to start young and change as they grow older, for better or worse.

    It’s a sucky POV and completely wrong.