Hi There - I’m starting to make use of distrobox, but I have a question about creating custom home directories.
In my ~/.config/distrobox/distrobox.conf file, I’ve added a line ->
This ensures that all new containers, by default, have their homes set to ~/dbx .
This is good, however, I’m looking for a way to default new container homes to ~/dbx/<<containername>>. Is there a way to do this? I’ve tried setting the line in distrobox.conf to
container_user_custom_home=“$HOME/dbx/$DBX_CONTAINER_NAME” but it doesn’t work. Any help would be appreciated.
(Basically, I want to err on the side of a bit of isolation between containers by default so that I can more easily track what each is doing separately.
Thank you - it seems that this will only be possible with a wrapper script (which was going to be my next course of action). I can definitely use what you’ve written here as an accelerator, though!