• CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
        9 个月前

        Think about it, genocide and student loans are not gonna sway boomers or Gen Xers one way or the other

        Trump’s legal battles are gonna bog his campaign down and many of his supporters don’t trust voting because of his “2020 steal” narrative

        Housing prices and the line are up which means everyone in the top 30% income percentile who isn’t online adores Biden

        Biden will probably win with a slightly larger margin than last time

        • brainw0rms [they/them]@hexbear.net
          9 个月前

          In reality Biden is going to perform very, very poorly.

          The only thing Biden had going for him in 2020 was not being Trump. Okay, what Trump era policies has he reversed? What “progressive” policy has he pushed through that hasn’t been immediately struck down by the courts or shelved in the House? Libs like to bring up Build Back Better, the CHIPS Act, the Inflation Reduction Act. Yeah sure, whatever the fuck those even are. Ask the average American how those policies have materially improved their lives, and they couldn’t tell you. He shit the bed with Afghanistan. Roe was killed on his watch. The concentration camps at the border are still open. We’re financially on the hook for two foreign wars that are being waged by maniacs that have no true path to victory.

          The majority of normal people think the economy is shit right now, and feel gaslit when they are told “maybe-later-kiddo ackshually bidenomics is working and you’re just wrong stupid poors lol maybe-later-honey” which is the narrative his campaign and the media have been pushing for months. No one is buying it.

          The fact is, he’s utterly failed to distinguish himself from his predecessor, a literal fascist. Without a major change in campaign and legislative strategy, he is done for. He cannot lose a single state that he won in 2020, and the threat of a second Trump term isn’t enough to save him anymore. Also, thinking that Trump voters will stay home “because it’s stolen anyway so why bother” is deranged magical thinking.

          • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]@hexbear.net
            9 个月前

            he certainly isn’t going to ride in on a populist wave but I’m not convinced he’ll lose either. People not knowing or caring about his pitiful policies is a double edged sword, they don’t give a shit enough to know that his policies are terrible.

            Not doing anything good is still better to most people than actively making things worse (not that biden isn’t doing that, but it doesn’t get covered like it did under trump), and frankly there’s gotta be a contingent that just doesn’t want to hear the media go back to full on trump derangement syndrome round-the-clock coverage.

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
            9 个月前

            I mean that’s all true, but only American leftists care about that stuff, the vast plurality of the population are totally disengaged from politics and won’t vote anyway, so none of the facts you mentioned matter to them

            The actual freaks who vote like the fact Biden is a fascist, of course they don’t use that word but to them Biden is “tough on crime”, “tough on the Arabs/muslims terrorists”, “doesn’t take shit from the Kremlin Republicans”

            And the the economy is doing good (line is up and housing is expensive), “the New York Times said so”

            Old dude is gonna win it outright, it’s 2004

              • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]@hexbear.net
                9 个月前

                anecdotally I do know some people who’ve finally moved past “but if you don’t voot blue you’re voting for trump” in the past year or so. Not a ton, but a couple, and they aren’t necessarily hardcore leftists either just done with genocide joe’s shit

                • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
                  9 个月前

                  After decades of constituting the majority of voters, Baby Boomers and members of the Silent Generation made up less than half of the electorate in 2020 (44%), falling below the 52% they constituted in both 2016 and 2018. Gen Z and Millennial voters favored Biden over Trump by margins of about 20 points, while Gen Xers and Boomers were more evenly split in their preferences. Gen Z voters, those ages 23 and younger, constituted 8% of the electorate, while Millennials and Gen Xers made up 47% of 2020 voters.

                  Biden barely won and a big part of it was record voter turnout from younger voters

                  The narrative that young people don’t vote fell flat on its face in 2020

                  If by youth vote you mean Gen z yea still not great, and not to fall for the trap of saying millenials are young but those groups everybody scoofs at make up the majority of voters now.

                • SerLava [he/him]@hexbear.net
                  9 个月前

                  The youth vote might not matter, but youth support does. They contribute labor to these campaigns that would cost incredible amounts if the DNC had to pay people.

          • RonPaulyShore [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            9 个月前

            Nah. Biden’s numbers have returned to pre Oct 7 levels. The corporate donors and the new suburban members of Biden’s coalition don’t care about genocide; his defense of Israeli terror probably redounds to his benefit. The economy is working for the people the economy is supposed to work for, inflation has slowed, and the fed will ease rates in the coming year, spurring sentiment and allowing young people into homes. The student loan policy has discharged billions, and income driven repayment frees kids from snowballing debt. Labor participation is up, labor is crushing w public polling, labor is winning concessions. No one remembers about Biden and the railroad, but they will see him again and again in ad spots standing w the auto workers. He is hawkish on the border, which dampens one of the few possible salient conservative talking points (his position is also quite popular). Bidens serious mistake was arguably, if one squinted, his most progressive – fleeing Afghanistan.

            Trump has a hard ceiling and little room to grow. His refusal to accept the 2020 results, along with self destructive culture war overreach, led Republicans to the worst midterm showing in modern history. Both remain albatrosses on the party’s neck. Referenda on abortion restrictions have lost literally everywhere, and the issue will mobilize otherwise unenthusiastic dems in November. Trump, avoiding news cycles thanks anemic Republican challengers and geopolitical drama, will again become the center of national attention, and remind the electorate of how tired it is of him. He is looking at serious criminal cases, which are seen as legitimate (at least outside of the New York state one), and which touch on serious issues of constitutional order and democratic values. The liberal media is staunchly against him, and will use their networks to underscore Trump as existential threat. He very well could be jailed, reducing enthusiasm among sober conservatives.

            Dems have won the last three election cycles. Hillary is not on the menu, Trump is a known quantity and is deeply disliked, and the current legal cases, unlike the Mueller matter, are compelling and understandable and are being prosecuted and undertaken by adversarial institutions. Unless the economy tanks (not impossible surely, given some global shock) this is going to be a slim but comfortable Dem W.

            Everything else is wishcasting, hoping you can dunk on libs for not listening, but there will be no karma at the ballot box; the libs never needed you.

        • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          9 个月前

          Biden will probably win with a slightly larger margin than last time

          Big doubt there.

          I don’t think its possible to call this election at the moment, but i do doubt he does better than in 2020. It’ll be interesting to see what the turn out is compared to 2020 as well. I wouldn’t be suprised if its lower on both sides

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
            9 个月前

            Definitely lower turnout on both sides but I think biden will hold on to his margins in total

            The coming dem campaign against Arab Americans and Muslims in general will convert some reactionaries who soured on Trump the last 4 years, while Trump will still be talking about the “steal” and court minutiae

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
              9 个月前

              That sounds more realistic to me. Biden could win and he could hold his margins. I just doubt he does better, if he does win. I agree that overall the “steal” and court shit aren’t great angles for Trump to maintain appeal to the Republican party as a whole. I’m not sure they’ll pick up the swing reactionaries though

        • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]@hexbear.net
          9 个月前

          I’m not sure I exactly disagree with you but the wildcard here might be further inflation driven by supply chain disruption in the red sea… (whether it’s real or just companies seizing on disruption to price gouge), or other escalation in the middle east leading the US to get directly involved or severely embarassed

          Also people who aren’t in the top 30% of income do absolutely still vote. At lower rates sure, but they do vote. in major elections turnout doesn’t go below 50% until you get to severe poverty levels of income

        • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
          9 个月前

          Anythings possible and I’m not gonna pretend logical analysis is even meaningful when it comes to electoralism

          That being said, he barely won last time and has worked hard to piss off union members, environmentalists, and anybody who is against genocide while completely failing to do anything about roe or student debts.

          I don’t see how he’s picked up any new voters since barely winning and I’m sure there’s millions of people who just vote for whoever isn’t rhe incumbent since they didn’t get rich in the last 4 years.

        • Great_Leader_Is_Dead@hexbear.net
          9 个月前

          Yeah I’ve had similar thoughts and gotten similar pushback from people on here. Biden is polling bad rn cuz of general bad vibes, but the demos who actually turn out to vote are still comfortable with the status quo, and I think a lot of the angrier young people will get scared back into backing the blue once the election is closer and the media starts scare mongering about Trump again. Trump diehards are still gonna diehard but I think his support among the broader right is wavering a bit.

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
            9 个月前

            It will tho, Trump’s hogs want racial animus and anti-lib owning, courtroom drama is for Sorkin fans

            Courtroom sketches and liberal pudents on TV controlling the output of information from the court is gonna bore the hogs to tears and again bog his campaign down

    • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 个月前

      It’s possible, but anything can happen before November. I’m not bothering to make any (real) predictions until like a week before the election, though I am hoping the year of four presidents ends up happening