• aelwero@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    "In her letter, Kounalakis acknowledged there would be ‘political punditry’ about a potential decision to remove Trump from the primary ballot but said ‘this is not a matter of political gamesmanship.’ "


    Not only is this gamesmanship, it’s foolish gamesmanship… Dems are gonna shoot themselves square in the foot with this shit.

    If you do declare trump ineligible, what goes on the ballot? You gonna have one of them third world elections with just one name on it? No, you’re gonna have trumps mini-me clone… Fucking desantis…

    You got Colorado right now. That’s not gonna have a huge impact on it’s own. Those electoral votes were going to be bidens regardless, so it’s something the GOP can, and likely will, completely ignore. In terms of the gamesmanship, all thatx happened is Colorado having made a statement.

    If California joins them, it’s just as irrelevant (California’s electorals also belong to Biden), however, it’s now doubled as a statement. It’s twice as loud, and half as ignorable.

    The real danger is that a state that matters jumps on the bandwagon. Notably Arizona… If a state that has the capability to determine the outcome opts to bar trump, the GOP will drop him and run desantis in 50 states. You’ll have every single red state supporting fucking desantis, and the potential to pull “martyr” votes in the battleground states for fucking desantis.

    If you had to choose trump or desantis, would you go with desantis? That answer should definitely be no, because a lot of the shit cited as being what’s wrong with trump is more attributable to desantis than to trump himself.

    Dems are playing with fire with this bullshit, and saying it ain’t gamesmanship is as valid in my opinion as trump saying he wasn’t responsible for the rioting. Possible, but I got some doubts :)

    • BigMacHole@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      “We shouldn’t uphold the Constitution because it might hurt ME Politically!”

      • aelwero@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        So you believe in “shall not be infringed” then?

        Constitution is usually those other guys… Ya know?

        • CthuluVoIP@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          That guy may not, but I do. So, yes to recognizing the validity of the 14th Amendment’s applicability to Trump thereby rendering him ineligible for office, and to all gun laws being an infringement. If you go left far enough, you get your guns back.

          • aelwero@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Not sure if that’s “left”, as it’s kinda hard to define those terms anymore, but i exist in a similar place I think :)

            My objections are actually related to due process. I feel there’s definitely shadow of doubt there, and while I don’t like trump, I’m not willing to ignore that shadow, and the current bullshit going on in Texas with Biden is a pretty solid example of why… Not to say they’re the same thing at all, the Biden thing is not even a shadow, it’s just outright bullshit, but if you don’t need an actual conviction, then that’s going to be the inevitable outcome…

            Do you feel that “left” as you’ve defined it means democrat? I don’t. I certainly don’t think it means Republican either though. Not trying to stir any pots or anything, it’s just kinda rare for me to agree with a sentiment as much as I agree with yours and I’m genuinely curious about your opinion on the matter :)

            • CthuluVoIP@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              Do you feel that “left” as you’ve defined it means democrat?

              In principle? No. In practice? The US’s elections are governed by first past the post voting. Until we reform how politicians are elected by enacting more sensible term limits, make lobbying illegal and remove other moneyed interests from public service, and institute ranked choice voting or something similar, the only responsible party to vote for winds up being the Democratic Party despite them not aligning with my preferences on either end of the spectrum.

              Ultimately, I think I’m something like a Libertarian who supports taxes for the betterment of society. I think centralized government’s responsibility is to provide services for the constituents they represent and to ensure that our laws are centered on maintaining as much individual liberty as possible.