I am a level 1 help desk tech at an MSP. I’ve been at this job for a year. I’ve been working in IT for 1.5 years, though.
I have my yearly review coming up and I have no idea what kind of questions to ask. I’m drawing a total blank.
I do know that I am being prepped to become a level 2 tech, but I’m not there yet.
My company is small and I can be totally open and honest with my boss.
I’m still anxious though.
I know that I have to get a specific Microsoft cert to get discussions on a promotion started. I attempted the cert exam and failed pretty badly. Gotta study more.
I plan on asking for specific feedback and how I can improve and all that.
Would it be helpful to ask for suggestions on getting better at the exam stuff, or do you already have what you need and just need to put in the study time?
I have loads of resources, so I just need to study.