• Jordan_U@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    “Both parties are the same” is an obviously silly statement.

    At the same time, “Vote for the man who says he can’t avoid building Trump’s wall, but can use executive power to sell weapons specifically to be used for genocide… Because the other guy is worse.” is not a great way to raise voter turnout.

    Some of the people criticizing others in this thread have been organizing against genocide. Have been calling their representatives, protesting in the street, etc.

    If that’s you; Great! My beef is not with you.

    If not, and especially if you were telling people to vote for Biden in 2020 because we could “push him to the left”; Maybe work on getting Biden to stop funding genocide and generally push an agenda that will make people want to vote for him.

    With current levels of partisanship, turnout is what makes the difference in elections.

    Criticizing the very people you’re trying to get to vote is at best counter-productive.

    Like it or not, if you’re campaigning for Biden then you’re an embassador for the Democratic party. People notice what you spend your energy on, and what you don’t. If you spend more time calling people on the left “stupid” than you do campaigning to end genocide? People will notice, and they will associate Biden supporters with hypocrites that don’t actually care about them or people like them.

    Being a dick is easier than actually organizing; But it won’t achieve your stated goals.

    • greenskye@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      It’s a horrible callus thing I’m fully aware, but I truly don’t currently give a fuck about the ongoing messed up aspects of US foreign policy and really only care about desperately trying to get our own country in order. I’m looking for the only realistically electable candidate that’s attempting to stop or at least slow the fascist takeover of our country. We aren’t in a good enough place right now to worry about anyone else.

      • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It’s absolutely a horrible thing to say. And I’m right there with you. It’s a core belief of mine that everyone should have equitable opportunity and experiences no matter where they’re born in the world and with whatever characteristics. So I don’t say it lightly when I say I have to ignore foreign policy. Trump must lose at all costs.

        It’s important though I think that we keep this in mind, how horrible the choice is. That’s what keeps us from losing our humanity when faced with binary inhumane decisions. I can only hope the blood on my hands will prevent kids today from having to do the same.

        • Jordan_U@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          Black, brown, and indigous people in the United States generally look at Palestinians and see themselves.

          If you openly say that you don’t care about the genocide of Palestinians then you are openly labeling yourself as someone that marginalized people in the U.S. cannot trust.

          So anything you say to try to get those same marginalized people to vote for your preferred candidate is stained by association with you.

          Marginalized people are ignored or actively thrown under the bus by Democrats for 3 out of every 4 years. Then their presidential candidate makes a bunch of promises that he never intends to keep; And doesn’t keep.

          How much work have you done in the past 3 years to actively support and protect marginalized people in your community?

          It’s hard for any argument you make to sway people who see you as someone that doesn’t genuinely care about them or people like them beyond their vote.

    • arcturus@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      couldn’t have said it better

      what does it say about our political system that our choices are “bigot funding genocides abroad and is for racism and systemic injustice at home” and “guy who does the same thing but isn’t as outwardly rude about it”