• Jordan_U@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Black, brown, and indigous people in the United States generally look at Palestinians and see themselves.

    If you openly say that you don’t care about the genocide of Palestinians then you are openly labeling yourself as someone that marginalized people in the U.S. cannot trust.

    So anything you say to try to get those same marginalized people to vote for your preferred candidate is stained by association with you.

    Marginalized people are ignored or actively thrown under the bus by Democrats for 3 out of every 4 years. Then their presidential candidate makes a bunch of promises that he never intends to keep; And doesn’t keep.

    How much work have you done in the past 3 years to actively support and protect marginalized people in your community?

    It’s hard for any argument you make to sway people who see you as someone that doesn’t genuinely care about them or people like them beyond their vote.