Yep no meat no dairy. Which also applies to the UK, yet another Brexit dividend.
The chance that any random sandwich carries something nasty is small, but there’s two other factors: a) If it does carry something nasty, the implications are huge and, certainly not least, b) you don’t need to bring a sandwich. Noone needs to bring a sandwich. Get one once you arrive. And if you just can’t stand airline food then be vegan for a couple of hours it won’t kill you. Live solely off chocolate during your flight if you want.
Do you have a passport? You shouldn’t visit Europe either - similar restrictions
Yep no meat no dairy. Which also applies to the UK, yet another Brexit dividend.
The chance that any random sandwich carries something nasty is small, but there’s two other factors: a) If it does carry something nasty, the implications are huge and, certainly not least, b) you don’t need to bring a sandwich. Noone needs to bring a sandwich. Get one once you arrive. And if you just can’t stand airline food then be vegan for a couple of hours it won’t kill you. Live solely off chocolate during your flight if you want.