Every fanfic writer I know has one.

I have a sequel to a fic from forever ago that I just…haven’t gotten to writing. I’ve started and stopped at least three times! I don’t know why it’s been such a struggle.

What about you?

  • lexr86@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I have a series (2 stories at the mo) that’s very fluffy slice of life romantic. Early this year, shortly after starting the 2nd story, I came up with a bonkers idea for the 3rd story. AU/multiverse, paranormal weirdness from the fandom that I just ignore in my series up til now, dragging bits from the original 2 stories & reusing the characters (& angsting the crap out of one of them).

    And it has been killlling me that I had to finish the 2nd story before I could start on the 3rd. At one point I had to comfort-write a couple of chapters just to break writer’s block on story 2. I reckon I’ve got less than half a dozen chapters of story 2 to go & then I am launching myself bodily at story 3. 😅