So I’ve been using Linux for about a year and a half, have been using Window managers since a few wweks in, have been using Wayland for the last 3 months or so, and have been using Hyprland for about a month. I love it and I want to stick with it in the long term, but I need a distro that supports it.

My essential needs are:

Hyprland NWG-Look (for gtk themes) CMUS Thunar Ristretto bemenu j4-dmenu-desktop (can build from source) Vivaldi (can use deb/rpm/extra repo)

My main issue stems from the fact that:

I want Stability. As such, Arch (and derivatives) are out of the question.

I don’t like immutability. As such, NixOS is out of the question.

I’m concerned about the future of Fedora. It’s where I’m at right now, yet the telemetry proposal, if accepted, would mean I need to switch.

If you have any other distros that fit my criteria, please leave them below. I know void can take care of all of these, except Hyprland itself and while River is available (and River is amazing) I would prefer to run Hyprland instead.

    1 year ago

    At risk of sounding like an Arch shill, I’ve had the best experience with Hyprland on Arch. I first tried to get it working on Garuda but couldn’t get it to work without weird issues, then found it wasn’t available on Linux Mint (might be available now? Not sure). Worked pretty much out of the box on Arch with Sddm, and havent run into issues since.

    That being said I tend to not install many packages, which reduces the chance of things breaking, so your miles may vary.

    I think Hyprland might be available on Pop!_OS, might be worth checking that out.